January 2019 Agenda
Clerk: Joann Greer
Council Offices, 17 Stanhope Avenue, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6SP
Tel: 01526 352461 E-mail: parish.clerk@woodhallspaparishcouncil.org
The next meeting of Woodhall Spa Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 commencing at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, which will be preceded by a Public Forum starting at 7.15pm.The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
The official meeting will start at 7.30pm or at the conclusion of the public forum whichever is the sooner.
Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes) - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any of the items on the agenda or any item they may wish to raise, those items not on the agenda will not be debated but referred if appropriate to the next meeting.
Signature: Clerk to the Council Date: 10.01.2019
1. Chairman’s remarks
2. Apologies for absence with reason given
3. Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey
District Council)
4. To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
5. Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
Full Council meeting on 18th December 2018
6. To receive the draft notes from committees
a. The Planning Committee held on 8th January 2018
b. The Resource Committee held on 8th January 2019
7. Reports from Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
9. Financial Matters
a. To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
19/267 |
Employer & Employee NIC |
LCC Pension Fund |
19/267 |
Employer & Employee Pension Fund |
Joann Greer |
19/267 |
January Salary & Back Pay |
TalkTalk |
19/268 |
November Inv. Telephone & Broadband |
33.78 |
TalkTalk |
19/269 |
December Inv. Telephone & Broadband |
33.65 |
TalkTalk |
19/270 |
January inv. Telephone & Broadband |
34.32 |
Opus Energy |
19/271 |
Nov/Dec Gas Bill |
95.85 |
R.G. Hygiene |
19/272 |
Office Cleaning |
24.00 |
Welton Garden Services |
19/273 |
Cemetery Maintenance & Pipes Lagged |
426.00 |
Viking Direct |
19/274 |
Office Stationary & Wall Planner |
48.49 |
NOMAD Trust |
19/275 |
Donation Collected at the Carol Service |
130.68 |
10. To consider the draft budget proposal for the 2019 / 2020 budget and set the precept
11. To consider and resolve whether to include the footpath off Stixwould Road to Jubilee Park in the village gardening maintenance programme
12. Traffic issues within the Spa Baths area:
a. To agree to consult with local residents and businesses on how best to address parking issues in the Spa Bath’s and adjoining areas.
b. To consider an approach to LCC about the feasibility of making Coronation Rd a one-way road, and King George Ave closed to vehicles.
13. To receive an update on the ELDC Transformation Asset Transfer process for Woodhall Spa, and to agree any necessary actions.
14. To receive reports from Working Groups, outside bodies and workshops
15. To elect a new member to the Resource Committee
16. To consider and respond if required to correspondence received since the last meeting:
A letter from ELDC informing the Parish Council that the Railway Planning application is going before the Planning Committee on 17th January.
17. Items for the next agenda
17. Dates and times of next meetings