September 2023 Agenda

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Clerk: Joann Greer
Council Offices, 17 Stanhope Avenue, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6SP 
Tel: 01526 352461    E-mail:

Dear Councillors

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Woodhall Spa Parish Council which will be held on TUESDAY 19 September 2023 commencing at 7.15pm in the Parish Council Chamber which will be preceded by a Public Forum starting at 7. 00pm. 

All Councillors are requested to attend at 7.00pm.

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the agenda. 

The official meeting will start at 7.15pm or at the conclusion of the public forum, whichever is the sooner. PRESS AND PUBLIC ARE ALWAYS WELCOME

Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes) during the Public Forum only - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any of the items on the agenda or any item they may wish to raise, those items not on the agenda will not be debated but referred if appropriate to the next meeting.

Signature: J Greer
Clerk to the Council
Date:  14.09.23


1.    Comments from the Chair

2.    Apologies for absence with reason given 

3.   Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

4.    To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

5.   To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes

a) Full Council Meeting Tuesday 18 July 2023

b) Planning Meeting Tuesday 22 August 2023

6.   To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council  

7.   Financial Matters 

a)   To receive a brief report from the Finance Working Group’s first budget meeting

b)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

c)   To note the bank reconciliation

d)   To note updated signatories for the Cooperative Bank

e)   To note the conclusion of the annual audit and resolve actions if required

8.   To receive an update regarding Royal Square Developments and resolve actions: 

a)   To consider the Tree Survey and resolve tree work schedule 

b)   Electrical Survey

c)   Design/Landscaping feedback

9.   To consider formally requesting ELDC to demolish the existing village WC facilities and clearing the area, cancelling all utility services, and covering all legal transfers at their cost, and gifting the site to WSPC for development of new WC facilities. 

10.   To consider the use of the ATM building as a storage base for village maintenance equipment and resolve whether to keep the electrical supply or have it removed 

11.   To consider purchasing a new WSPC notice board to replace the old warped MDF board on the ATM building

12.   To review the reactive speed camera data and resolve actions

13.   To consider a request from a resident to reduce the speed limit to 30 mph on Horncastle Road

14.   To receive an update regarding the Remembrance Day Parade and resolve actions

15.   To receive an update regarding the Christmas Tree programme and resolve actions 

16.   Planning Matters

a)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/01589/23 - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. LOCATION: 7 KING EDWARD CRESCENT, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 

b)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/01665/23 – Erection of 1 no. dwelling and swimming pool on site of an existing dwelling which is to be demolished. LOCATION: 11 SPA ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6PZ

c)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/01752/23 – Extensions and alterations to provide additional living accommodation, existing single storey extension and detached garage to be demolished. LOCATION: BEECH HOUSE, 15 SYLVAN AVENUE, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6SL

d)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/01553/23 – Installation of photovoltaic array to existing south facing pitched tiled roof of convenience store with residential apartment on first floor. LOCATION: CO OP SUPERMARKET, 3-4 CLARENCE ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6TZ

Planning Permission Granted

S/215/01461/23 Derwent, Iddesleigh Road. Extension & alteration

S/215/01489/23 35 Horncastle Road. Section 73 application to vary condition no. 2

Tree Work Notification

EZY/215.27/TPO Tree Preservation Order: the land adjacent to Lingfield, 51 Tor O Moor Road, Woodhall Spa 2023, awarded 7th September 2023 

EZY/0090/23/TCA Proposed tree works within the conservation area. Fell 5 trees at Beech House, 15 Sylvan Avenue 

Facilities Matters

17.   To consider and resolve the DRAFT lease agreement arranged with Sills &    Betteridge between WSPC and JPWS 

18.   To receive an update report from Councillor Etches regarding the meeting with Cricket Club and community members and resolve actions

19.   To consider applications for the two village contracts and award the 3-year contracts

a)   St Andrews Closed Churchyard, Chapmans, and Village Planting

b)   Village Leaf Collection

20.   To note an ongoing issue regarding the regulations at the Kirkby Lane Cemetery and resolve action

21.   To set the date of the next Full Council/Hybrid meeting