Prices from APRIL 2024

The fees set out below apply where the person to be interred or in respect of whom the right is granted is, or immediately before death was, an inhabitant or parishioner of the parish of Woodhall Spa. When a resident has moved away because of health reasons, i.e to move to a nursing home or to live with relatives, they will be charged the residents fee as long as their last known address was in the Parish of Woodhall Spa. In all other cases the non resident fees apply. 

* Please note fees do not include grave digging, please arrange this directly with your funeral director*



Non Resident

Exclusive Right of Burial



For details of exclusive rights of burial please see leaflet EROB1    
No charge for a child up to 18 years old    

Burial Fees



Interment of a child up to 18 years old FREE FREE
Interment of a person over 18 years old £275.00 £1200.00




EROB for ashes plot for a maximum of 4 caskets, 1 payment of £275.00 £1200.00
Plus each interment £137.00 £480.00

Garden of Remembrance



Ashes in the Garden of Remembrance £110.00 £240.00

Interment of ashes in an existing grave



On production of an Exclusive Rights of Burial certificate, or Assent of Executor or Administrator £137.00 £480.00
With a statutory declareation including admin fee £23 £160.00 £500.00
Detailed Adim Search £25.00 £25.00

Memorial Fees



Monuments  for full burial and ashes plots £110.00 £110.00

Additional Inscriptions



On any monument/removal of monument for cleaning £50.00 £50.00

Garden of Remembrance



To erect a plaque in the memorial building £95.00 £95.00