PC November 2022 Minutes
Three members of the public present. A parishioner addressed the Council regarding a planning application on the agenda. Two representatives from the Golf Club addressed the meeting regarding the planning application on the agenda and also gave a brief overview of the long-term plans which the Golf Club had.
Councillors: John Sanderson (Chairman), Richard Brown, Rebecca Shaw, Mark Cooke, Roger Etches and Andrew Gammage
K Handley (Assistant Parish Clerk)
Comments from the Chair
The Chair had no comments to make. He had received an email from the Heritage Committee regarding the application for Stanhope House,11 Victoria Avenue which he made the meeting aware of.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies received form Councillor Debbie Bollard.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.
To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2022
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to accept the draft notes be approved as minutes.
PL/6/11/22: S/215/01876/22 1 Kirkby Lane Woodhall Spa LN10 6RZ Extensions to dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and to include the raising of the roof height to provide first floor accommodation.
The Council objected to this application. The clerk was asked to inform ELDC that this decision was based on the material planning consideration loss of privacy and being overlooked.
PL/7//11/22: S/215/01875/22 Woodhall Spa Golf Club, The Broadway, Woodhall Spa LN10 6PU Erection of a new club fitting and teaching bays.
The Council supported this application.
PL/8/11/22: S/215/01903/22 Hawthorns, 47 Witham Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6RG Extensions to existing annex accommodation
The Council supported this application.
PL/9/11/22: S/215/01974/22 Stanhope House, 11 Victoria Avenue, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6TY Install 16no.solar panels to existing garage (in Conservation area)
After considering the comments made by the Heritage Committee and the implications of this proposal in the Conservation area, it was felt that it would not be detrimental and as such the Council had no objections to this application.
PL/10/11/22: S/215/02012/22 Woodlands Day Nursery, Mill Lane, Woodhall Spa LN10 6QZ Listed Building Consent-Internal alterations to the existing building to provide an opening.
The Council had no objections to this application.
PL/11/11/22: S/215/01772/22 133 Witham Road, Woodhall Spa LN10 6RB Extension and alterations to existing double garage.
The Council did not support the application as it stood. Concern was expressed over the breach of the 45 degree rule from the kitchen window (131D Witham Road).
PL/12/11/22: S/141/01859/22 62 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation.
The Council did not wish to comment on this application.
PL/13/11/22: S/141/01907/22 116C Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, Woodhall Spa Outline erection of 10.no dwellings with means of access to be considered, existing outbuildings to be demolished.
The Council did not wish to comment formally but they acknowledged the report from the NHS regarding the affect that more dwellings may have on an already stretched facility. Further concern was expressed over the increased traffic and increased pressure on parking spaces in Woodhall.
PL/14/11/22: Full Planning applications
S/215/01583/22 Change of use of existing reception building to forma holiday lodge. The Duck Ponds, Sandy Lane, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UR
PL/15/11/22: Approval of Reserved Matters
Proposal: Detailed Particulars relating to the erection of 150 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission reference S/215/00067/19.
Location: Land rear of 101, Witham Road, Woodhall Spa.
PL/16/11/22: Application withdrawn S/094/01375/22 Former Sand Quarry Site, Kirkby Lane, Kirkby on Bain-change of use of existing quarry to form a leisure park for 88no lodges/caravans, provision of parking, internal access roads, alterations to pond and the erection of a reception building.
PL/17/11/22 Proposed Tree works
Tree Preservation Order: Woodhall Spa, 1970 (215.05), Tree(s): A1
Application Reference Number: 0095/22/TPA
APPLICANT: Mr Jim Jackson
PROPOSALS: A1 - Several Trees Of Various Species - T1 on plan (Oak) - Fell.
LOCATION: Cairnwood, 3, Oak Close, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
REASON(S): A1 - Tree is in major decline with significant deadwood and sparse
crown. Fell for safety reasons.
PL18/11/22 Date and time of next meeting to be agreed
It was agreed by all Councillors to hold the next meeting on Tuesday 6th December at 2.30 p.m.