PC April 2023 Agenda
Clerk: Joann Greer
Assistant Clerk: Karen Handley
Council Offices, 17 Stanhope Avenue, Woodhall Spa, Lincs, LN10 6SP
Tel: 01526 352461 E-mail: parish.clerk@woodhallspaparishcouncil.gov.uk
To all members of the Parish Council Planning Committee
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Woodhall Spa Parish Council Planning Committee, which will be held on Tuesday 4th April 2023 commencing at 7.00 pm for the Public Forum. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
The official meeting will start at 7.15 p.m. or at the conclusion of the public forum whichever is the sooner. All Councillors are expected to attend from 7.00 pm.
Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes).
Signature: J Greer
Clerk to the Council
Date: 30/3/2023
1.Comments from the Chair
2.Apologies for absence
3.Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
4.To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
5.To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 7th March 2023
6.To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00376/23 - Installation of ground mounted solar panel array at 3 PETWOOD OAKS, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6AH
7. To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00499/23 Conversion of existing garage to provide additional living accommodation at 6 HEATHER CLOSE, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6YD
8. To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00387/23 Installation of a replacement shop front at 18 CLARENCE ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6TZ
9. To resolve a formal response regarding the proposed Anerobic Digestion plant at Martin Moor and who to send that response to
The following applications have been granted Full Planning:
No information available at the distribution time of this agenda
Proposed Tree works
EZY/ 0022/23/TCA Proposed works to tree(s) within the Woodhall Spa Conservation Area,
Tree(s): T1 , T2 , T3 Notification Reference Number: 0022/23/TCA
PROPOSALS: T1 - Lawson Cypress - Current height 15m and spread 4m - reduce in height by 4m.
T2 - Western Red Cedar - Current height 15m and spread 6m - reduce in height to match other trees.
T3 - Lawson Cypress - Current height 13m and spread 4m - reduce by 3-4m.
LOCATION: Westerley, The Broadway, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire REASON(S):
T1 - To prevent any failure. T3 - To prevent failure.
Date and time of next meeting Tuesday 2nd May at 7.00 p.m.