March 2024 Minutes
Public Forum
Three members of the public were present regarding a planning application.
In Attendance
Chairman Councillor Richard Brown, John Sanderson, Roger Etches, Peg Sanderson, Shirley Elphick, Rod Williams, Andrew Gammage, Rod Williams, Liane House, and Nigel Eborall.
Also present:
LCC Councillor Patricia Bradwell
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk
FC/1/3/24 Comments from the Chair
Councillor Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting.
FC/2/3/24 Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillor Shaw and Kisubika were noted and accepted.
FC/3/3/24 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
Councillor Eborall declared an interest in agenda item 14, Cottage Museum grant application.
FC/4/3/24 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.
FC/5/3/24 To receive the draft notes from the Full Council Meeting Tuesday 20 February 2024 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
FC/6/3/24 To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council
LCC Councillor Bradwell reported that road repairs have been delayed due to the very wet weather. Spa Road had been repaired but the Highways team would need to return to complete the job fully.
Councillor Bradwell asked the Council if they would support her request for the Road Safety Partnership to conduct speed checks within the parish.
The Council said they would support her request.
FC/7/3/24 Financial Matters
a) To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments as listed.
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
EDF Energy |
24/227 |
Office Gas Bill |
£252.75 |
24/228 |
Office Water Bill |
£79.95 |
YU Energy |
24/229 |
Christmas Tree Lighting Station Road |
£40.51 |
Sills and Betteridge |
24/230 |
Fee for Review of Title Cricket Club |
£396.00 |
Cuttlefish |
24/231 |
Cost of two new email addresses |
£77.09 |
R.G Hygiene |
24/232 |
Office cleaning |
£27.60 |
J Ward |
24/233 |
Royal Square Maintenance |
£1060.00 |
Welton Garden Services |
24/234 |
Cemetery/Churchyard/Pumping floodwater/fuel surcharge |
£1524.00 |
YU Energy |
24/235 |
Office electricity |
£55.90 |
YU Energy |
24/236 |
Christmas Tree Lighting Station Road |
£36.10 |
24/237 |
Website additional hours |
£102.00 |
Goodwins |
24/238 |
Damp seal/paint for office |
£39.46 |
Stephen Long |
24/239 |
Gardening Contract |
£610.00 |
24/240 |
Cleaning of drains/gullies Royal Square |
£90.00 |
Payroo Star |
24/241 |
Payroll |
£6.00 |
J Greer/K Handley/HMRC/LCC Pension |
24/242 |
Staffing costs |
£3355.22 |
24/243 |
Office gas bill |
£180.92 |
Clear Councils |
24/244 |
Parish Council Insurance |
£866.76 |
b) To note the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation as of as of 29/02/2024 £101,456.06 was noted.
c) To appoint the internal auditor
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to appoint Sarah Nash as the internal auditor.
FC/8/3/24 To note the outcome of the meeting with Witham 3rd Drainage Board
The report from the drainage board was verbally provided by Councillor Sanderson. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set up a working group to look into suitable options and investigate drainage company options.
Councillor J Sanderson was nominated as the lead on the working group with the following Councillors Etches, Williams, Elphick and Gammage.
A report from the group would go to Full Council for any decision making and budget setting.
FC/9/3/24 To consider an insect habitat feasibility study at St Andrew’s Closed Churchyard as a village open green space
The request from a resident regarding including leaf blowing and leaf management was considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved that the current system was satisfactory. No further action is required.
FC/10/3/24 To consider a request to allow residential interment fees for a non-parishioner
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to permit non-residential fees in this instance.
FC/11/3/24 To consider and resolve
a) The purchase of information boards for the Fun Day 11th May and the Annual Parish Meeting
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to purchase 3 x flip chart stands with magnetic white boards. Councillor J Sanderson is to provide costs for the next meeting.
b) The creation of information for each of the above days
Councillors Brown, Eborall, House and the Clerk are to form the working party to design the display information.
FC/12/3/24 Planning Matters
a) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00260/24 – Section 73 application to vary condition no. 8 (cycleway/emergency link details) as previously imposed on planning permission reference S/215/02508/22 for the section 73 application in relation to condition no.10 (emergency access and cycle way) as imposed on planning permission reference S/215/01572/16 which was for outline erection of 150 dwellings (with means of access to be considered) to include the demolition of the existing bungalows at 99 and 101 Witham Road.
LOCATION: Phase 1 land rear of 99 and 101, Witham Road.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to object to these changes. An emphasis on the provision of a safer cycle route in and out of the village was made and to keep cyclists off Witham Road which is becoming increasingly busier.
b) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00279/24 – Extension and alteration to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and alterations to existing outbuilding.
LOCATION: Harewood, 5 Stanhope Avenue, LN10 6SP
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
c) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/02344/22 – Erection of a visitors’ centre. Comprising of a caravan shop, café/bar, gym and office areas and provision of car parking.
LOCATION: Woodhall Country Park, Stixwould Road, LN10 6UJ
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
d) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00350/24-Extensions to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation.
LOCATION: 9 Albany Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6TS
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
e) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00342/24-Siting of a shepherd’s hut, demolition of existing portable building.
LOCATION: Banovallum Veterinary Group, Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QH
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to object to this application, due to conditions on that area regarding no overnight sleeping due to existing underground pipework.
Full Planning Permission
The following awarded planning permissions were noted:
Planning permission granted for extension to existing dwelling at 63 Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QG.
Planning permission granted for extension to existing dwelling at 139 Witham Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6RB.
Planning permission granted for a replacement dwelling at Beech House, 15 Sylvan Avenue, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6SL.
Planning permission granted for extensions to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Derwent, Iddesleigh Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6SR.
Planning permission granted for the erection of a bungalow and carport and erection of a new boundary wall at Abbey Lodge, Tattershall Road, Kirkstead.
Tree Work Notification
The following tree works were noted
EZY/0021/24/TCA – T2 – Douglas Fir – Fell. T4 Conifer fell.
LOCATION: 24/26 Victoria Avenue
EZY/022/24/TCA – T1 – Flowering Cherry – remove 10 Spa Road
EZY/0025/24/TPA T57 Oak Height 14m and spread 12 m; lift to 4m and cut back overhanging branches, T58 Oak Height 14m and spread 14m; lift to 4m and reduce branches overhanging property.
LOCATION: 14, Cromwell Avenue, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire.
EZY/0027/24/TCA T1-Lime crown lift, T2 Lime pollard to encourage Pine tree to grow on the western side, T3-Pine reduce the east/northern canopy by approx. 3-4 m.
LOCATION: Latchmore, Iddesleigh Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
EZY/0031/24/TPA T37-Oak reduce southern lateral canopy by approx. 2.3m.
Location: 11, Spa Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
EZY/0029/24/TCA T2- Holly reduce canopy to allow more light into the new development. T3 Beech tree suckers-remove to ground level to stop future interference with the Oak tree.
Location: 11, Spa Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
Town & Country Planning Act 1990
The Mall Hotel, Station Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QL
Investigation of an erection of a marquee without planning permission
Facilities Matters
FC/13/3/24 To consider the flooding situation of the cemetery and resolve action
The issues of flooding were covered at agenda item 8.
FC/14/3/24 To consider and respond to a grant application from Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum
Councillor Eborall left the room.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award a grant of £1000 towards a hearing induction loop at the cottage Museum.
FC/15/3/24 To consider and respond to a request to alter the railings on the Closed Churchyard
Councillor Eborall is to conduct a risk assessment of the railings, pending the finding any emergency works are to be actioned.
FC/16/3/24 To set the date of the next Full Council meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th April at 7.00 pm at the Council Chambers.