June 2024 Minutes

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Public Forum

No members of the public were present. 

In Attendance

Chairman Councillor Richard Brown, John Sanderson, Roger Etches, Andrew Gammage, Rod Williams, Peg Sanderson, Shirley Elphick, and Nigel Eborall.   

Also present: 

LCC Councillor Patricia Bradwell
ELDC Councillors Craig Leyland 
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk
Karen Handley, Assistant Clerk

FC/1/6/24 Comments from the Chair

Councillor Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished Councillor Elphick well.
FC/2/6/24 Apologies for absence with reason given 

Apologies were noted and accepted for Councillor House. No apologies were received from Councillor Kisubika.

FC/3/6/24 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

No declarations were made.

FC/4/6/24 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

No dispensations were made.

FC/5/6/24 To receive the draft notes from the Full Council Meeting Tuesday 16th 2024 and Tuesday 21st May to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting.

FC/6/6/24 To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council 

Cllr Bradwell informed the Council that a Puffin Crossing has been proposed on Tattershall Road, details for comments will be sent out shortly. She also explained the process regarding a request for a Brown sign from the Petwood Hotel. Other issues which had been raised were the grass cutting undertaken on the Witham Road. Cllr Bradwell explained that this is not an amenity cut and it was not LCC’s responsibility to clear the culvert, but ownership is being investigated. She also informed the Council that work on the path on Tor-O-Moor Road is scheduled for the summer. Any questions relating to overgrown hedges should be reported on Fix My Street and Highway issues were being dealt with by Richard Fenwick.

ELDC Councillor Craig Leyland will look into the time scales required for planning applications as some confusion has arisen with dates of a planning application closely followed by the approval decision.

He informed the meeting that a very successful relaunch had taken place of the Woodhall Chamber of Trade, and it would be worth the Parish Council asking to participate.

FC/7/6/24 Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments as listed.

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




Woodhall Photo Print and Copy


Printing and laminating APM




Virus protection




Community Grant application


Boston District Scout Association


Community Grant application


Leake’s Masonry Ltd


Clean Dambusters Memorial/ re-silver lettering/clean block paving




New mounting bar/cables for reactive speed sign


R.G Hygiene


Contract office cleaning




D-Day Flag




Data Protection


YU Energy


Office Electricity


Welton Garden Services


Cemetery maintenance/ mowing of village/Witham Road




Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management


Tony Gibbons


Refill hand sanitisers/mark graves/cemetery maintenance/office maintenance


Tony Gibbons


Refill hand sanitisers/mark graves/cemetery maintenance/office maintenance


Business waste


Office waste removal


Stephen Long


Maintenance Contract


Stephen Long


Maintenance around office/hedges/weeding


Stephen Long


Hanging basket for office


Arborglyph Tree Services


Deadwood removal Millenium Gardens


Taxing Times


Internal Audit Fee




CSW Passive signs/Wheelie bin stickers




Office gas




Office telephone/broadband




Office stationery/ink cartridges




Membership fee Clerk




Station Road Electricity


J Greer/K Handley/HMRC/LCC Pension


Staffing Costs








ATM Electricity


b)   To note the bank reconciliation

The bank reconciliation as of 31/5/2024, £116,642.98 was noted.

c)   To note the internal auditors report

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to accept the report

d)   To complete the audit paperwork

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved that all conditions had been adhered to. The AGAR was duly completed and signed.

FC/8/6/24 To consider the table of comments collected at the Jubilee Family Funn Day and the Annual Parish Meeting and resolve action on

a)   Royal Square Development including an update from the landscape designer and consider an interim planting scheme 

Cllr P Sanderson informed the meeting of the feedback received from the designer and that a report should be with the Council by the end of July. Cllr J Sanderson proposed that £1,000 be spent on interim planting. Cllr P Sanderson was assigned to assist with the purchasing/planting scheme. This was seconded and unanimously resolved by the Council.

b)   Public Conveniences

Cllr Craig Leyland explained that ELDC do potentially have money which the Council could bid for to provide new facilities. This is not available now. However, the other option is to ask ELDC to produce a report outlining the condition of the toilets and then to decide on the next course of action.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to ask for a report and then formulate a working group to move this project forward.

c)   Traffic management

This is being dealt with by Richard Fenwick from Highways.

d)   Hot desk report

Various issues raised not already covered by a, b and c above; moving of the village war memorial to Royal Square, increase in traffic wardens in the village, Urban District Council, Pedestrian Crossing Witham Road by Kirkstead Bridge and by the Fire Station on Witham Road, cycle parking, CCTV and APNR cameras in the village. These issues were noted by the Council. 

FC/9/6/24 To receive an update from the Christmas Lighting Working group and resolve action.

Cllr Etches explained that the quote from Blachere Illumination was not cost effective. He had met with a representative from Bainland and discussed various options. Further discussions are tabled.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved for Cllr Etches to continue to negotiate with Bainland and once plans are finalised to speak to Blachere regarding their proposal.

FC/10/6/24 To consider a request to support a brown heritage sign for the Petwood Hotel at the request of LCC.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved that the Council would support this request.

FC/11/6/24 To consider the Kirkby Lane Cemetery drainage situation and resolve action.

Cllr Etches explained the problem with the drains at Kirkby Lane Cemetery. The Clerk confirmed that a drain survey had been carried out previously and this had been circulated prior to the meeting to all Councillors. Further liaison with the landowner needed as the issues with the drainage does impact his land.

It was proposed that Cllr Etches meet with the landowner to discuss this issue further. This was seconded and unanimously agreed by the Council.

FC/12/6/24 To consider placing No Cycling stickers for pavements in the village due to numerous complaints

The Clerk informed the Council that the signage would be like the ones placed on the pavement during Covid, Sprint Signs had quoted £10.00 per sign. It was suggested that 10 signs be purchased.

This was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to purchase the signs.

FC/13/06/24 To note THE HIGHWAYS NOTICE OF ORDER for bridle and cycle path

The document was noted by the Council

FC/14/06/24 To consider the need for additional car parking within the village and requesting assistance form ELDC

Cllr Leyland informed the meeting that this was a difficult issue as there was no available land in Woodhall to create new parking spaces. By removing the bottle banks behind the shops on the Broadway three spaces and some new spaces will be created opposite the Teahouse. He did suggest that the Council contact GN construction and see if any new car parking could be created on Stixwould Road. The only other possibility in the future to ease parking is to consider parking restrictions.

Planning Matters

FC/15/06/24 To elect a chairperson for the Planning Committee

Cllr J Sanderson was proposed and seconded as Chairperson. This was unanimously resolved.

a) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00508/24 

Section 73 application to vary condition no.2 (approved plans – plots 1,3,5,8 and 9) as previously imposed on planning permission reference S/215/0036/21 for the erection of 9 no. detached houses each with associated garages and construction of an entrance wall to the maximum height of 1.8 metres, internal road and a vehicle and pedestrian access.


It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to support this application.

b) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00871/24

Section 73 application to vary condition no. 19 (open space) and condition no. 20 (open space maintenance) previously approved under planning permission ref no S/215/01248/21 for the erection of 85 dwellings.
The Council stated that they wanted both conditions to remain and therefore
it was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to object to this application. 

c) To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/00866/24

Section 73 application to vary condition no. 15 (timing of delivery of highways works) previously imposed on planning permission ref no. S/215/01248/21 fir the erection of 85no. dwellings, provision of an attenuation pond, associated open space and construction of a vehicular and pedestrian access.


The Council stated that they wanted the condition to remain therefore it was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to object to this application

The following applications have been granted Full Planning: 

S/215/00279/24 – Extension and alteration to existing dwelling. Harewood, 5 Stanhope Avenue

S/215/00490/24 – Extension to existing dwelling. Low Wood, Alveston Avenue

S/215/00558/24 – Extension to existing dwelling. Green Ridges, Tattershall Road

S/215/00426/24 – Erection of a fence with a height of 1.8m. 137 Witham Road

S/215/00600/24 – Extension to existing dwelling. Kirkby Lodge, The Broadway

S/215/00658/23 – Erection of boundary gates. Alveston House, Iddesleigh Road

S.215/01796/23 – Replacement UPVC windows. Rivendell, Green Lane 

Approval of Section 73 Applications

S/215/00508/24 - Land Rear of 24 Mill Lane

S/215/00260/24 - Phase 1 land rear of 99 and 101 Witham Road

Tree Work Notification

EZY/0061/24/TPA – A1 – Mixed Conifer & Broadleaf Species – T002 on plan (Pedunculate Oak) fell, dead except for small epicormic growth, replant with 2m same species. T004 on plan ( Sycamore) fell, extremely weak canopy, dying back leaving large dead sections. T012 on plan (Silver Birch) fell, in severe decline. T013 on plan (Dilver Birch) fell, standing dead tree (exempt).
LOCATION: Kinema In The Woods, Coronation Road, Woodhall Spa
The Council requested that the comment be passed to the tree officer that if a tree is to be felled then a new tree should be planted. 

EZY/0058/24/TCA – T1 – Beech – (approx. 22m) reduce canopy by approx. 2-3m in circumference and lift canopy of approx. 3m.
G1 – Beech (4-5) – (approx. 17m) lift the canopy to 5m.
T1 – To allow more light into the house and garden.
G1 – For clearance to driveway.
LOCATION: 10 Spa Road, Woodhall Spa

EZY/0067/24/TPA – T2 – Common Beech, current height 18 – 21m and spread 13m, reduce the uppermost part of the crown by 6m.
LOCATION: Coppins, Cromwell Avenue, Woodhall Spa
The Council were concerned that it appeared to be a drastic reduction in height.
FC/16/06/24   To set the date of the next Full Council meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16th July at 7.00 p.m.