November 2019 Minutes
Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), J Frost, I Clarke, M Williams, N Ford, C Marrs, P Jennings, S Huskisson, R Ayling, C Walker and R Wilson.
LCC Councillor P Bradwell, ELDC Councillor Craig Leyland, ELDC T Kemp and J Greer, Parish Clerk, were also in attendance.
Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillor T Handley were noted and accepted.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
a. Full Council meeting 15th October
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes by the Councillors who were in attendance.
To receive the draft notes from committees
a. The Planning Committee held on 5th November 2019
No comments or questions were raised.
b. The Resource Committee held on 5th November 2019
No comments or questions were raised.
Reports from Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes
The Clerk informed the Council that their comments had been received by ELDC regarding keeping the phone box on Witham Road, however ELDC agreed with BT to remove it due to lack of use.
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
LCC Councillor Bradwell informed the Council about the closure of Witham Road due to the installation of the sewage pipes for the new development which require the road to be completely closed. The main problem is Green Lane is not suitable as a main diversion route. Further costs for a traffic management programme, if required should fall at the developer.
Councillor Bradwell then requested some consideration to hold a community accessible sand and sandbag point so residents could help themselves to protect against localised flooding which some residents experienced during the recent heavy rain.
A request for a drop kerb and a white line outside the doctor’s surgery on Stanhope Avenue was put to Councillor Bradwell, who would feed back to LCC.
Council also reported at this time that the development by McCarthy & Stone on Tattershall Road had erected Harris fencing up around the site which was now encroaching on the footpath which is a hazard to pedestrians. Both LCC and ELDC Councillors said they would follow up on this matter.
ELDC Councillor Leyland informed Council that the Lincolnshire Flood Resilience Group would be able to provide information regarding setting up a central san/bag point in the village.
He went on to inform the Council that there are no more current issues with the public conveniences in the village, and reports about McCarthy and Stone delivery lorries queuing up on Tattershall Road before 8am, causing traffic jams and poor visibility leading to dangerous driving conditions would be followed up.
Financial Matters
a. To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
Staffing Costs |
19/427 |
Staff Salary/Pension/HMRC |
1647.73 |
Wave |
19/428 |
Office Water Bill |
48.34 |
British Gas |
19/429 |
ATM electricity |
26.78 |
Lights 4 Fun |
19/430 |
Addition Christmas Tree Lights & Cables |
267.00 |
Neil Storey |
19/431 |
Community Web Site |
289.47 |
Welton Garden Services |
19/432 |
Kirkby Lane & Village Verges |
1404.00 |
TalkTalk Business |
19/433 |
Office Telephone & Broadband |
43.74 |
Payroo |
19/434 |
Payroll Software |
6.00 |
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to make the payments as listed above.
b. To receive the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted and no questions were raise.
c. To consider items to be included in the 2020 / 21 budget for the Resource Committee to produce the first draft precept.
Some suggested items were sand / bags, Christmas Fayre road closure management, new computer.
To consider the Parish Agreement Scheme – Urban Highway Grass Cutting 2020 / 21. The contribution from LCC will be 2.38p per square metre of grass for three safety cuts per year.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to take part in the scheme for the 2020 / 21 cutting season.
To confirm arrangements for the Christmas tree and carol service programme and assign Councillor Roles
The trees will be put up on Sunday 24th November by volunteers. New lights and cables have been purchased for Sainsbury’s down to Expressions. The scaffolding is still outside Archie’s coffee shop, it is anticipated once the scaffolding is down the trees will be put up at the coffee shop and Sweet memories next door.
Detailed cable plans have now been made and will be used on the day.
Councillors nominated to walk with the Carol Service Parade are Councillors Frost, Jennings and Huskisson. Councillor I Clarke and the Parish Clerk will remain at Royal Square.
Once the Parade has arrived at Royal Square the three Councillors will assist in managing the crowd during the Carol Service.
To consider and resolve Parish Council Grant Applications
a. The Rotary Club - £750 for road closure management at the village Christmas Fair
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to award the funds for the road management aspect of the Christmas Fair.
In line with the policy a request to see the Rotary Club’s accounts was made as the grant was over £500.
b. Coningsby Royal Air Force Cadets - £1000 photographic equipment and musical instruments
Councillor Ayling declared a personal interest and left the room.
The grant application was considered in depth to determine the benefit to the community of Woodhall Spa, it was highlighted that 10% of their members were from Woodhall Spa and they have supported the Spa Singers at events and also the 1940’s event. It was proposed, seconded and carried by a majority vote of 9 for and 1 against to award part of the grant request by purchasing 2 snare drums and slings.
To consider a notice board application from JPWS regarding advertising events in the village and resolve any actions
After discussion about the size and location of the information board it was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to permit the board to be put on the white picket fence by the village notices.
To receive an update regarding the PWLB loan and JPWS
The funds from PWLB are currently in the Parish Council accounts. Upon completion of the exchange documents with the solicitors it is anticipated the paperwork will be completed tomorrow and the Clerk can release the funds.
2019 Remembrance Day parade
a. To review the Remembrance Day parade arrangements to see if there are any lessons to be applied to the 2020 arrangements
The general consensus was the event had worked well. The Church Service needs to be fine-tuned as there was lot of confusion as to who should go where and when.
The P.A. System worked well and everything could be heard throughout the crowds what was being said at the War Memorial. Councillor Leyland commented stating he thought the parade corridor was an excellent idea.
b. To consider sending a letter of thanks and appreciation to SRP for their participation in the Remembrance Day parade
It was agreed to send a formal thank you letter to SRP for all their help with the security barriers, road closures and first aid welfare facilities at the event.
c. To consider sending a letter of thanks and appreciation to Malcolm Brown for providing the PA system for the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the memorials
It was agreed to send a formal thank you letter to Mr Malcolm Brown and his wife for covering the event in such a professional manner.
To consider issues raised at the Parish Council surgery and resolve any action if required
a. A request to place a bin near the bench at the corner of Tor o Moor and Stanhope Avenue
ELDC are to be contacted to assess if they would put another bin on their collection schedule. Pending this information would continue or close this request.
To consider and respond if required to correspondence received since the last meeting:
1. To consider request from local resident to put a bus shelter up at The Inn or at the Co op
The Clerk is to contact the management at The Inn to see if a bus shelter on the verge would be reconsidered.
2. To consider a letter seeking the Parish Councils support for the reopening of the railway line to Horncastle
As there was no funding available to introduce this service the Council were unable to send a letter of support.
3. To consider a request to support a complaint about the future end of the National Express coach service in the village
The Clerk is to write to National Express highlighting the concerns raised by the Parish Council with regards to no consultation taking place prior to this service being withdrawn.
4. To acknowledge a Thank You card from a resident for Parish Council support with a local matter
Council acknowledged the card which specifically mentioned Councillor Huskisson after she assisted a resident to access a footpath blocked by a fallen tree.
Items for the next agenda
No items were brought up at the meeting. Councillors were reminded to inform the Clerk one week prior to the meeting for any agenda items for the next meeting.
Dates and times of next meetings
Planning Committee 2.30pm 3rd December
Resource Committee 3.30pm 3rd December
Surgery 10.30am – 11.30am 14th December. Councillors Ford & Ayling
Full Council meeting 7.00pm 17th December
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45 pm
The Public Forum
Gary Brown from St Andrew’s School made a short presentation to the Council regarding the Seven Knight’s Programme which encourages pupils to take part in activities to then get rewarded with a coloured badge in the shape of a shield depicting a Knight on a horse.
White Knight – Courtesy
Blue Knight – Public Speaking
Black Knight – Effort
Red Knight – Health
Green Knight – Environment
Eagle Knight – Creative Writing
Dragon Knight – Handwriting
The Parish Council would be asked to help with presenting the Green Knight Awards.
Councillors I Clarke and J Frost have been nominated to take part in this task.