December 2019 Minutes
Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), M Williams, I Clarke, N Ford, T Handley, C Marrs, P Jennings, S Huskisson, R Ayling, C Walker and R Wilson.
ELDC Councillor Craig Leyland and J Greer, Parish Clerk, were also in attendance.
Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the process of budget setting for the financial year 2020/21 which will form the precept.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillor J Frost were noted and accepted.
LCC Councillor P Bradwell and ELDC Councillor T Kemp also sent their apologies.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
Requests from 10 Councillors regarding taking in part in the setting the precept were received and authorised. One Councillor present did not complete the form as they live in the next parish.
Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
a. Full Council meeting 19th November 2019
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes by the Councillors who were in attendance.
To receive the draft notes from committees
a. The Planning Committee held on 3rd December 2019
No comments or questions were raised.
b. The Resource Committee held on 3rd December 2019
No comments or questions were raised.
Reports from Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes
The Chairman informed the Council the PWLB loan had been successfully transferred to JPWS.
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
LCC Councillor Bradwell had sent a report to the Chairman for the meeting. The following flooding issues were raised and would be looked into and rectified: the junction of Stanhope Avenue with the Broadway and outside the Post Office. The condition of the B1191, known locally as the Martin Straight would also have repairs which will include some road closures.
Financial Matters
a. To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
Staffing Cost |
19/444 |
Staff Salary/Pension/HMRC |
1647.73 |
Nomad Trust |
19/445 |
Carol Service Collection |
61.16 |
Goodwins |
19/446 |
Supplies for Bench Repairs |
19.31 |
Unipart Dorman |
19/447 |
2 x Brackets for Reactive Speed Sign |
166.80 |
Payroo |
19/448 |
Payroll Licence Oct - Nov |
6.00 |
19/449 |
Office Electricity Sep - Dec |
89.98 |
British Gas |
19/450 |
ATM Electricity |
28.37 |
Payroo |
19/451 |
Payroll Licence Nov - Dec |
6.00 |
JPWS Ltd |
19/452 |
Sharp Sand / Grit |
47.48 |
Paul Riddel |
19/453 |
Christmas Fair Skip Hire |
162.00 |
Peter Strawsons |
19/454 |
Village Christmas Trees AWAITING AMENDED INVOICE |
1116.00 TBC |
Tony Gibbons |
19/455 |
Grave Marking/Christmas Trees & Lights |
144.00 |
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to make the payments as listed above.
b. To receive the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted, no questions were raise.
c. To consider the draft 2020/21 budget and earmarked reserves produced by the Resource Committee and confirm the precept
The budget paperwork which was previously circulated was considered in depth. Cost centres were examined and agreed.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to agree the budget and set the 2020/21 precept at £72084.83, the same as the previous 2 years.
To consider an emergency plan provision in the event of extreme weather conditions in the village over the next few months
Details of an informal conversation between the Clerk and the events coordinator at JPWS were considered. The idea put forward was to see if it would be possible to start and manage a group of volunteers to help out in the village for small emergencies such as issuing sand bags at a dwelling that may be at risk off flooding due to a burst pipe or excessive rain water. It was considered that JPWS had access to a range of volunteers and WSPC had access to equipment and maybe they could work together.
Councillor Ford informed the Council there is an alternative to using sandbags which are very heavy and not user friendly. He will provide information on the new flood blankets in time for the next meeting.
The Clerk is to arrange a meeting with JPWS early in the New Year to establish if this can move forward.
To consider issues raised at the Parish Council surgery and resolve any action if required
No issues were raised at the Parish Council Surgery on 14th December.
To consider and respond if required to correspondence received since the last meeting:
1. To consider an invitation to attend Jubilee Park’s special celebration on Friday 8th May 2020
It was proposed, seconded and agreed to attend the event and have an information stall.
2. To consider the response from National Express coach service regarding the withdrawal of the London 448 service
The Clerk is to write to National Express asking for additional information, including number of passengers using the service against costs which led them to this decision.
3. To acknowledge the Final Notification regarding the removal of the BT phone box on Witham Road.
No further action is required.
The Clerk had also received a letter from the Poppy Appeal stating their branch had raised over £11,000.00 this year and thanked the Parish Council for their support.
Newspaper clippings were anonymously delivered to the Council offices stating annual charges on privately owned retirement homes were extortionate. The Council noted this information.
Items for the next agenda
Flooding Summit, local emergency response,
Dates and times of next meetings
Planning Committee 2.30pm 14th January
Resource Committee 3.30pm 14th January
Surgery 10.30am – 11.30am 11th January. Councillors Handley & Walker
Full Council meeting 7.00pm 21st January
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 pm