July 2019 Minutes



Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), T Handley, I Clarke, J Frost, C Marrs, N Ford, P Jennings, R Ayling and M Williams 

LCC Councillor Patricia Bradwell, ELDC Councillor T Kemp and J Greer, Parish Clerk were also in attendance. 


Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced he would move agenda item 12 to item 5 on the agenda.


Apologies for absence with reason given

All Parish Councillors were present.


Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

Councillors I Clarke and D Clarke declared a personal interest in agenda item 17a.


To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).

No requests were made.


To consider applicants for the vacancies on the Parish Council and resolve whether to co opt

Council had considered an e mail registering an interest regarding the vacancies on the Parish Council. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to co-opt Ms Sandy Huskisson. Ms Huskisson signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

The Chairman sought confirmation regarding any pecuniary interests before Councillor took part in the meeting.


Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes

a.   Full Council meeting 18th June 2019

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.

b.   Extraordinary meeting on 2nd July 2019

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.


To receive the draft notes from committees

a.   The Planning Committee held on 2nd July 2019

No comments were made.


Reports from Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes 

The Chairman updated the Council on the PWLB application stating the LEADER grant for JPWS would not be confirmed until at least the end of July. Confirmation from PWLB stated the Parish Council can still apply if the LEADER grant has not been confirmed as long as the application states if the Council would need to ask for a larger loan if the grant was not forthcoming.

The Council would not be applying for an additional amount if JPWS were unsuccessful with their grant application.

The Clerk informed the Council that Councillor Frost and Handley were now acknowledged by the Co-Op Bank as signatories for the Parish Council banking system.


To receive reports from District and County Councillors 

County Councillor Patricia Bradwell informed the Council that the new assistant LCC Director would be happy to meet with the Council regarding the verge marking and one way system. The Clerk is to propose dates to check for suitable availability with Councillors.

She also stated the footpaths from the Cottage Museum to the golf club are scheduled to be cut.

Trees on Tor O Moor Road are to be worked on shortly and the Martin straight has been committed to be repaired, however as the cos is excessively expensive the date for this action has not yet been confirmed.

ELDC Councillor Tom Kemp introduced himself, he stated he is on the planning committee and that it is currently a very busy time with policies being developed.

He informed the Council he had received a number of queries from residents regarding the PWLB loan and financial implications, however after a brief explanation of how the system would work they were satisfied.

Councillor Handley raised a question for Councillor Kemp asking why none of the ELDC parking enforcement team patrolling the 1940’s weekend on bicycles were not wearing cycle helmets. Councillor Kemp would look into the matter.


Committees & Working Groups

a.   To constitute a Resource Committee

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to re instate the resource Committee. Councillors I Clarke, Marrs, Handley, D Clarke and Huskisson were nominated to form the committee. The first meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd September following the Planning Committee.

b.   To review the membership of the Planning Committee

Now the Parish Councillor numbers are up to 10 members it was felt that the Planning Committee should revert back to up to 5 members and not consist of all Councillors.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to amend the membership. Councillors Frost, Ayling, Marrs, D Clarke & Williams were nominated to form the Committee.

c.   To set up a Working Group to oversee the Remembrance Day arrangements

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to set up the group which would need to start the process in August. Councillors I Clarke, Handley. Jennings, Huskisson and D Clarke were nominated to form the working group.

d.   To consider and resolve whether to appoint a Councillor as a local business liaison contact

Local businesses bring a lot to the village, Councillor Handley thought it would be a positive step forward to liaise directly with local businesses to encourage communications with the Parish Council.

It was proposed and seconded to introduce this role. Councillor Handley was nominated for the role.

FC/10/7/19 Financial Matters 

a.   To receive a financial update & bank reconciliation 

A financial summary from the Scribe software package was distributed via e mail for Councillors to review, no queries were made. 

The latest bank reconciliation was also provided and signed by the Chairman.

b.   To approve automated payments and future payments to be made

Staffing Costs


Staff Salary/Pension/HMRC


J Greer


Postage Co-op Banking Documents


R.G. Hygiene


Office Cleaning


Steve Parker


Christmas lighting 2017/2018


John Reed Mr Pesty


Annual Cemetery Pest Control


Horncastle Computer Service


Web hosting for NHDP


Welton Garden Services


Kirkby Lane and verges contract




Vidahost Website/e mail


St Andrews PTFA


Community Grant London Trip




Payroll Monthly Software Charge


TalkTalk Business


Telephone & Broadband


Opus Gas


Office gas IN CREDIT £241.63


Royal Mail


Collection of questionnaires


Goodlife Gardener


St Andrews & Chapmans Contract


Goodlife gardener


Cemetery Fence


British Gas


ATM Electricity


The Goodlife Gardener


Long Avenue



Planning Matters

To consider and respond to S/215/01147/19 – Land off Tattershall Road.  Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 6no. Pairs of semidetached houses, 1no. Block of 3 no. houses, 1no. Block of 4no. Houses, 30no. detached houses (49no. dwellings in total) and associated garages, construction of a vehicular access, pedestrian access and internal access roads with associated attenuation pond and landscaping (Hybrid planning application reference S/215/01656/14 consisting of an outline application of 49 no. dwellings and a full planning application for change of use of existing land formerly used as agricultural and woodland to form a nature reserve granted on 5th July 2015).  

The Parish Council made the following observations regarding the detailed particulars of the Witham Trading application:

It is unclear from the plans where the wheelie bins for the terraced properties are to be kept.

Conformation that the driveways and garages shown on the plans are actually a suitable size for vehicle to use.

Would the footpath through the nature reserve area be illuminated at night?

Finally the Council raised concerns for the safety of pedestrians accessing Tattershall Road, The exit/access point of the footpath is located on a stretch of road that does not have a pavement. Pedestrians would need to cross the road near a bad bend in a 40 mph zone. A pelican or zebra crossing with traffic calming measures would be a welcomed addition to the plans.


To consider applicants for the vacancies on the Parish Council and resolve whether to co opt

This item was moved to agenda item 5.


To consider and resolve a request from JPWS to site a notice board on the picket fence by the shoe shop / car park

The Parish Council thought the location was good, however as this is in the Conservation Area the Clerk is to ask for an updated image of a scaled down version of the notice board to accommodate 4 x A4 posters with white frame and background.


To consider and resolve whether to purchase name badges for Councillors and the Clerk

After some discussion it was proposed and seconded and carried by a majority of 6 in favour of the introduction of Councillor badges.

The Clerk is to source designs and prices for the September meeting. 


To receive an update for the arrangements to cover the office summer closure times 

It was agreed that notices would be displayed at the office stating the summer closure times with the Chairman’s contact details in case of emergency.

Phone and e mail messages would also contain similar information.

The Chairman and Vice Chairman will monitor the mail and deal with any emergencies.

The Chairman, Councillor Jennings and Councillor Huskisson will manage burial and ashes interments at the Kirkby Lane Cemetery.


To consider and resolve whether to join the CPRE for an annual subscription of £36.00 

A brief discussion highlighted the fact that the membership of the CPRE didn’t bring any great benefit to the Parish Council. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to decline the annual subscription.


To consider and respond if required to correspondence received since the last meeting: 

a.   A letter from Coronation Hall Trustees requesting the loan of street bollards and parking cones for an event at the hall on Sunday 18th August

Councillor I Clarke left the room. The request came due to past experience of visitors attending events at Coronation Hall were unable to park at the venue as people visiting other events in the village blocked the Hall’s car park. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to permit the use of the bollards, any damage, loss or breakages are to be replaced.

The Chairman abstained from voting.

b.   E mails from a resident regarding the PWLB process

Councillors were familiar with the emails recently received and the invitation to the resident to discuss things further by appointment at the office. Councillor would be informed if such an appointment is made with the opportunity to attend. 


Items for the next agenda

PWLB & name badges


Dates and times of next meetings

Planning Committee 2.30pm 3rd September 
Resource Committee after Planning 3rd September  
Surgery 10.30am – 11.30am 14th September
Full Council meeting 7.00pm 17th September 


To resolve to go into closed session to discuss staffing matters

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to go into closed session.


To receive the report from the Clerk’s annual appraisal 

The Chairman explained the process of the Clerk’s annual appraisal. The appraisal had been carried out by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman and was a very positive report.

The Clerk is to go up via one pay scale point, backdated to May 2019 as stated in the Clerk’s contract. 

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm