December 2020 Minutes

Councillors: M Williams, (Vice Chairman) J Needham, R Ayling, S Huskisson, K Truss, C Marrs, N Ford, C Walker, R Wilson and R Brown.
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
The Vice Chairman will run the December meeting and make a short statements
Vice Chairman, Councillor Marcus Williams opened the meeting reflecting on the news, Councillor David Clarke had stepped down from the position of Chairman of WSPC due to ill health. Councillor Williams made a statement thanking Councillor Clarke for his dedication and contribution to the Parish Council over many years. The Councillors agreed and wished Councillor Clarke well.
Councillor Williams stated a new Chairperson would be appointed at the January meeting, giving Councillors time to consider the position.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Councillor David Clarke’s apologies were noted and accepted.
LCC, Councillor Bradwell & ELDC Councillors Leyland & Kemp also sent their apologies.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
Forms from all Councillors requesting dispensation to set the WSPC precept, agenda item 9e will be collected and filed when the office is back open.
Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
a. Full Council Meeting 17th November 2020
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To receive the draft notes from committees
a) The Planning Committee held on 1st December 2020
There were no questions raised from the Planning Committee notes
b) The Facilities Committee held on 2nd December 2020
There were no questions raised from the Facilities Committee notes
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
District and County Councillors were not present at the meeting.
To consider the latest asset transfer information from ELDC and resolve action. Consider any budgetary impact for inclusion in the budget and precept planning at agenda item 9d and 9e
Council considered the information provided. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to reject taking the public conveniences on as part of the asset transfer due to maintenance issue, possible future restrictions and the refusal of repairs currently noted to be completed prior to a takeover.
The assets of the car parks on The Broadway and Royal Square required further investigation regarding income and enforcement. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to delegate the research to the Facilities Committee to provide a report and a recommendation at the January meeting.
Financial Matters
a) To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
TalkTalk Business |
20/118 |
Telephone & Broadband |
33.60 |
Wave |
20/119 |
Office water bill |
7.09 |
Wave |
20/120 |
Office Water Bill |
50.75 |
S B Barker |
20/121 |
PAT Testing |
114.79 |
TalkTalk Business |
20/122 |
Telephone & Broadband |
33.60 |
Paul McFahn |
20/123 |
Office window cleaning |
15.00 |
Peter Strawson Ltd |
20/124 |
Village Christmas Trees |
1119.12 |
Allinson Print & Supplies |
20/125 |
Coronavirus Leaflets 27.4.20 |
350.00 |
The Goodlife Gardener |
20/126 |
Chapmans & St Andrews Contract |
175.00 |
Payroo |
20/127 |
Payroll Licence |
6.00 |
Opus Energy |
20/128 |
Office Gas Supply |
25.74 |
SRP Hire Solutions Ltd |
20/129 |
WSPC Hand Sanitiser |
875.94 |
R.G. Hygiene |
20/130 |
Office Cleaning |
24.00 |
J Greer HMRC LCC Pen |
20/131 |
Staffing Costs |
1778.61 |
T. Gibbons |
20/132 |
Village Contract Works |
270.00 |
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed.
b) To receive the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was not available for this meeting; however, a current status would be made available at the January meeting.
c) To appoint 4 additional Councillors as bank signatories
After discussion, the Council agreed 6 additional beneficiaries would better suit the Council’s needs. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to appoint Councillors Huskisson, Ayling, Walker, Needham, Truss and Brown as additional signatories.
d) To consider the draft budget and associated documents prepared by the Finance Working Group and resolve the 2021/22 budget
The draft budget and documentation were scrutinized. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the 2021/22 budget.
e) To consider the draft precept proposal prepared by the Finance Working Group and resolve the 2021/22 precept
Based on the figures presented by the Finance Working Group it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set the 2021/22 precept at £72,100.00
To consider the Covid secure Christmas Tree Programme 2020 and note positives/negatives. To note the date, Sunday 10th January to take the trees down
The Covid secure arrangements had worked well. There were lots of positive comments in the village and on social media. The date to take the trees down was noted. Volunteers are to be contacted after the Christmas break.
To consider a request from the Facilities Committee for a maximum budget of £1000 to repair and make safe the Kirkby Lane cemetery building
The Facilities Committee has sought a quote from the village maintenance contractor to repair and make safe the cemetery building. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set a maximum budget of £1000 to complete the works.
To consider the quote for the replacement map boards and resolve expenditure
The quote from Sprint Signs, the original printer and installer of the map boards, provided a price of £325 + VAT to update the 2 map boards. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to agree the expenditure.
To consider the ongoing issues with the WSPC email system and resolve an alternative WSPC IT systems including email, website & maintenance.
As previously discussed, the problems with Councillor emails continue and the web site is several years old and would benefit the Council if it were upgraded. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to instruct the Facilities Committee to research and recommend a new email & web site provider. A report and their recommendation would be available at the January meeting,
To consider purchasing a fire-resistant filing cabinet for cemetery documents and resolve expenditure
The Clerk provided details of a suitable fire-resistant filing cabinet and three quotes for the same specification.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to purchase the cabinet from the company, Office Furniture.
To receive an update from the ZOOM NHDP meeting 8.12.20
The first meeting with the engaged consultants, Openplan, was productive.
It was agreed the Parish Council would increase the community volunteer numbers for the project and Openplan would develop a schedule of works. The group agreed to meet on a monthly basis.
To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required
None were received.
To set the date and time of the next meeting.
Full Council Meeting 7.15pm Tuesday 19th January 2021