June 2020 Minutes EOM

Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), M Williams, I Clarke, C Marrs, P Jennings, C Walker, T Handley, J Frost and R Wilson.
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and hope the new technology works well to accommodate the meetings.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillors R Ayling and S Huskisson were noted and accepted.
The Clerk had not received any notification from Councillor N Ford.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
To consider and respond to planning application S/215/00683/20 – Land to the rear or Witham Road. Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 150no. houses with associated garages, erection of a pumping station, erection of a band stand, provision of public open space, a play area with equipment to the maximum height of 2.98 metres, 2no. attenuation ponds, construction of a vehicular and pedestrian access, internal access roads and a pedestrian footbridge (outline planning permission reference no. S/215/01572/16 FOR THE ERECTION OF 150 DWELLINGS (WITH THE MEANS OF ACCESS TO BE CONSIDERED) TO INCLUDE THE DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING BUNGALOWS AT 99 AND 101 Witham Road granted on 15th June 2017).
Council considered the detailed plans for the Jackson development.
The following comments were made and will be forwarded onto the Planning Officer at ELDC:
Firstly, the Parish Council strongly supported the comments made by the Internal Drainage Board regarding the unsuitable access route which would have a negative impact on their ability to gain access for maintenance.
Concerns were raised regarding the storage of residential wheelie bins, especially at the terrace style development where there was no identified storage space for wheelie bins. Many of the internal roadways would be classed as private and do not appear to be large enough for refuse and recycling trucks to access them, this raised the question of how residents would get their wheelie bins to a location suitable for collection.
The sewage pumping plant currently has regular issues and is stressed, an additional 150 dwellings would stress the system more and needs to be addressed before complications arise.
Much emphasis was made regarding clear guidance for residents and the Parish Council to contact the green open space management team as lack of such contact details have created several problems for residents of other developments within the parish. A clear open space management programme would be key. This would also be required to incorporate the emergency /cycle route.
Fencing around the attenuation ponds was seen as a health and safety requirement and some form of traffic management plan onto Witham Road would be considered to be beneficial
To consider and respond to planning application S/141/00761/20 – 122 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor. Erection of a detached double garage.
The Council did not make any comments regarding this application as it is not in the Parish boundary of Woodhall Spa.
To consider and respond to tree works application EZY/0032/20/TCA – Fairwood, Tarleton Avenue, Leylandii and Sycamore fell and reduce.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To receive the East Lindsey District Council planning and tree application decisions since the previous meeting:
The following successful applications were noted:
S/215/00473/20 5 Kenmore Drive – extension
S/215/00447/20 14 Iddesleigh Road – rear extension
S/141/00545/20 Casa Grande, 86 Horncastle Road – extension
Council noted approval of section 73 application. S/141/00549/20 – condition no.2
Council also noted planning application S/14102336/19 – LAND AT THE REAR OF 52a Eastfield House, Horncastle Road will be presented to ELDC Planning Committee on the amended date of 4/6/20