May 2020 Minutes Business Contingency Review Meeting

Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), M Williams, N Ford, I Clarke, C Marrs, P Jennings, C Walker, T Handley, R Ayling, S Huskisson and R Wilson.
ELDC Councillors C Leyland and Lincolnshire County Councillor P Bradwell.
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the ZOOM meeting.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillor C Marrs were noted and accepted.
ELDC Councillor T Kemp also sent apologies
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
Notes of a meeting to be approved as the minutes, Full Council meeting 17th March
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
Councillor Frost abstained from voting as she was not present at the March meeting.
To consider a report and resolve actions regarding proposed recommendations from WSPC Delegated Authority Group consisting of The Chairman, Vice Chair & Clerk.
a) Consider and resolve Recommendation 1 – reinstate Resource Committee Meetings and Full Council Meetings from 1.6.20
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously agreed to reinstate the Resource Committee Meetings and Full Council Meetings effective from 1st June 2020.
b) Consider and resolve Recommendation 2 – use ZOOM for Full Council, Resource Committee and Planning Committee Meetings from 1.6.20
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to use the ZOOM meeting platform to host all future meetings effective from 1st June 2020.
c) Consider and resolve Recommendation 3 – Reinstate Standing Orders & Financial Regulations from 1.6.20
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to reinstate Standing Orders and Financial Regulations effective from 1st June 2020.
To receive updates from County and District Councillors
Lincolnshire County Councillor Patricia Bradwell informed the Parish Council that Highways would support the village verge protection programme and one-way system in the woods only if the community supported it. To get the best results she advised that a letter and face to face consultation with residents and shop owners would be a positive way forward, however this is not currently an options due to the lockdown but this does provide the time to draft a questionnaire to be ready to take action once the lockdown is over.
Councillor Bradwell is also seeking a confirmation regarding the yellow lines along Witham Road near the roundabout.
Issues were raised with erratic parking at the Co-Op. The police have been requested to be more visible at this site and encourage motorists to park in a safer way.
District Councillor Craig Leyland informed the Council the Coronavirus Community Support group has been a very well run and positive form of support to the residents of the parish. The group have been delivering shopping and prescriptions to over 100 people who have signed up for the service.
Councillor Leyland thanked the Parish Council for all their help with the financial side of the service including the banking facilities and reimbursements which are working well.
The food bank is also working well, referrals are coming in from agencies from outlying communities. He also stated the volunteers have been doing a great job.
The asset transfer should be progressed as there are no identified reasons why this cannot go forward.
Councillor Leyland stated 8-% of business grants have now been delivered and as the village gets busier the public toilets will be slowly opening up after a deep cleansing and a scheduled cleaning programme can be put in place.
To receive an audit Update
Due to the Coronavirus Lockdown audit dates have been extended by 2 months, this gives the Parish Council the opportunity to sign the audit papers by 30th September.
The audit paperwork is complete and waiting to go to the internal auditor. Therefore the audit paperwork should be ready for completion at the next Full Council meeting.
Dates and times of the next meetings
Resource Committee Meeting 3.30pm Tuesday 2nd June
Extraordinary Full Council Meeting – Planning Matters - 7.15pm Tuesday 2nd June
Full Council Meeting 7.16pm Tuesday 16th June
The Chair closed the meeting at 7.40pm