September 2020 Minutes
Councillors: D Clarke (Chairman), M Williams, C Marrs, N Ford, C Walker, S Huskisson, T Handley, and P Jennings.
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman wished to formally thank Councillor Isabel Clarke and Councillor Jennifer Frost for their contribution to the Parish Council spanning over several years.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Resignations were received from Councillor I Clarke and J Frost.
Apologies from Councillor Ayling were noted and accepted.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
Councillor Clarke declared a personal interest in agenda item 9b.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
a. Full Council Meeting 21st July 2020
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
Reports from Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes
Leakes Masonry have confirmed they will carry out the survey on the Dambusters Memorial at Royal Square.
To receive the draft notes from committees
a. The Planning Committee held on 1st September 2020
b. The Resource Committee held on 4th August 2020
No questions or queries were raised regarding the notes.
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
Apologies were received from LCC Councillor P Bradwell, ELDC Councillor Leyland and Councillor Kemp.
Financial Matters
a. To resolve to agree the request from Petwood caravan Park for a payment holiday for 2020.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to provide a payment holiday for the access agreement at Petwood Caravan Park due to Covid – 19.
b. To consider and resolve a request for CCTV funding at Coronation Hall
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to provide the CCTV for the Hall from the Emergency Relief Fund as the problems they were experiencing was as a direct result of out of school youths , due to the Coronavirus, causing damage.
c. To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
Julie Charles |
20/062 |
ERDF Grant Halo Visors |
257.04 |
Salary Costs |
20/063 |
Salary, Pension & PAYE |
1974.00 |
20/064 |
Domain Name |
14.34 |
Tony Gibbons |
20/065 |
Opening the High Street Safely work |
335.00 |
Tony Gibbons |
20/066 |
Village Maintenance & Grave Marking |
273.00 |
Payroo |
20/067 |
Payroll Software |
6.00 |
OPUS Energy |
20/068 |
Office Gas |
5.89 |
Victoria Evans |
20/069 |
ERDF Fibre Fabric Masks |
107.80 |
Paul Mc Fahn |
20/070 |
Office Window Cleaning |
15.00 |
Viking Direct |
20/071 |
Ink / stationery |
287.27 |
Welton Garden Services |
20/072 |
Cemetery/hedges/verges |
2352.00 |
British Gas |
20/073 |
ATM Electric |
34.75 |
R.G. Hygiene |
20/074 |
Office Cleaning |
24.00 |
Goodwins |
20/075 |
ERDF Fixing equipment |
30.90 |
NBB Recycled Furniture |
20/076 |
Chapmans Corner Bench Replacement |
591.60 |
Sprint Signs |
20/077 |
ERDF Signs & Screens |
234.00 |
Sprint Signs |
20/078 |
ERDF Signs & Screens |
2035.11 |
Jubilee Park |
20/079 |
ERDF Hand sanitiser/dispensers |
409.95 |
Sprint Signs |
20/080 |
ERDF Signs |
147.00 |
Alexandra Retail |
20/081 |
ERDF Planters |
179.98 |
20/082 |
Station Rd Electricity |
82.35 |
British Gas |
20/083 |
ATM Electricity |
34.54 |
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed.
d. To receive a report on the expenditure of the ERDF funding
Expenditure is still continuing, however purchases to assist businesses to open in a covid safe manner are still within the budget of £10015.00 of the grant received.
e. To receive a financial statement
A financial summary was emailed to all Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no areas of concern.
f. To receive the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation data was emailed to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk announced it was 1p out but would locate the error.
To review the ELDC Asset Transfer information & consider actions
There had been little information from ELDC and no progress to date. It was confirmed WSPC agreed to transfer Royal Square with the commuted sum of £20,000, Millennium Gardens, and the Rally Field.
Further costing details regarding the toilets and car parks are required before the Council can make an informed decision whether to transfer these assets.
It was also confirmed the Parish Council did not want the pockets of land in the Viking Estate.
It is anticipated that everything should be arranged by the end of the year.
To consider the recent £10, 000 grant based on rateable business listings and generate a list of possible projects
Councillors suggested updating benches at Royal Square, refurbishing the public conveniences once the assets were transferred to WSPC.
To consider the Openplan NHDP proposal and resolve actions
Councillors were very impressed with the proposal delivered by Openplan, a company specialising in Neighbourhood development plans and were keen to engage their services, however in line with WSPC Financial Regulations two other quotes would need to be sourced due the level of expenditure.
To consider the 2020 Christmas Tree Programme and resolve action
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to provide FREE Christmas trees within the village this year at a cost of approximately £1000.00. The money would come from the rateable relief grant recently received and therefore not impact the precepted funds. This was encouraged as a goodwill gesture to compensate for the cancelation of the Christmas Fayre and not to burden local businesses further due to the impact Covid – 19 was having on the village.
To consider and resolve Councillor group roles within the organisation and discuss the option of re organising the Committees/Working Groups in the autumn
The Chairman provided a detailed diagram and list of how the committees and working groups could be structured. Councillors were open to the idea of restructuring however felt they would need mentoring and training.
Lots of ZOOM training is currently available for Councillors by LALC and the Clerk is also able to offer mentoring and guidance as well as long term Councillors.
Councillors are to consider the information and respond to the Clerk prior to the next meeting listing which Committee / Working Group they feel they will be best suited too. They also need to identify their availability to attend meetings.
To note the format of Remembrance Sunday 2020 as agreed on 2nd September
At a meeting between WSPC, Reverend Snelling and the RBL details of the Remembrance Day reduced service were presented. The service is to be held at St Andrew’s Closed Church Yard with invited guest and in line with Government Covid secure guidelines. Further onsite meetings are scheduled with RAF Coningsby, Reverend Snelling and the RBL. The Clerk will continue to monitor and adhere to Government guidelines.
To consider the Kirkby Lane tree survey and resolve action.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to instruct the cemetery maintenance contractor to action the works highlighted in the report as soon as possible.
To receive general correspondence and resolve action if required
a) To consider a complaint about cleaning services in the village
The details of the complaint were noted. The Clerk had sought a response from ELDC and LCC regarding aspects highlighted in the complaint which had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. No further action is required by the Parish Council.
The Clerk is to send copies of the correspondences to the complainant.
b) To consider a request for pedestrian safety on shared footpath & cycle path
Councillor Bradwell had been consulted regarding the complaint of cyclist on the pavements, having spoken to the police, they installed several signs on lamp posts in the village stating it is an offence to cycle on the pavement.
No further action is required by the Parish Council.
Dates and times of next meeting
Planning Committee 2.30pm Tuesday 6th October
Full Council Meeting 7.15pm Tuesday 20th October
To resolve to go onto closed session to receive a report from JPWS and WSPC staff pay scale
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to go into closed session.
To receive a report to JPWS regarding the financial position regarding the future payment of the PWLB loan
Jon Finley from JPWS gave an overview of the park’s financial position and was pleased to inform the Council they were able to make the next PWLB repayment due in October.
To note NALC’s updated pay scales backdated to April 2020 and resolve to amend the Clerk’s pay rate
The Council acknowledged the NALC pay scale and agreed the amended scale backdated to April.