FC February 2021 DRAFT Minutes
Councillors: J Needham, C Marrs, S Huskisson and K Truss
In attendance
Councillor R Brown
Councillor L Moscrop
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Comments from The Chairman
The Chairman, Councillor Needham, welcomed everyone to the meeting including Councillor Brown and Moscrop who will be full members of the Facilities Committee once the Terms of Reference have been amended.
Apologies for absence with reason given
All Councillors were present.
Declarations of Members’ interests
There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared in matters on the agenda, which had not already been declared to the Monitoring Officer at ELDC.
Requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda
There were no requests for a dispensation on any items on the agenda
To approve the notes of the Facilities Committee Meeting held on 13th January 2021 as being a true record of the meeting
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To note project updates:
a) Bus Shelter – No progress due to the current Coronavirus lockdown.
b) Village Benches – Councillor Needham will complete the bench survey whilst out walking in the village.
The Chairman wished to include website, service contracts and litter bins on future agendas.
For information, the Clerk confirmed the website specification had been ordered and paid for. There is a lead time of approximately three weeks. Councillor Brown is the lead contact person to start the development.
Service Contracts were ready to be distributed and have been advertised in the Wapentake.
The Facilities Committee will prepare a bench & bin programme for the next meeting in March.
To review the following policies, and amend accordingly:
a) Lone Working Policy & Risk Assessment
b) Cemetery Regulations & Fees
The Chairman chose to deal with agenda item 7b first.
Paragraph 14 in schedule A and paragraph 11 in schedule B required updating regarding the length of time Erob and memorial permits were valid for and the Councils actions after the time has elapsed. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve not to re sell permits after the initial 50 and 30 years, respectively. The Clerk and the Chairman ware to update the document.
It was also agreed to keep residents’ prices the same but nonresident prices for interments will increase to £1000.00 effective from 1st April 2021.
7a) Draft updated Lone Working Policy had been previously circulated to Committee members. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously agreed to update the policy with the suggested amendments. The risk assessments and Appendix 1 & 2 would be completed by Councillor Moscrop and the Clerk prior to the Clerk returning to work in the office after the current lockdown.
To receive an update from Smart Parking and re visit the information regarding the car parking system from ELDC to create a report and recommendation for Full Council regarding the asset transfer
After much consideration all the research pointed to issues with the enforcement element of running the carparks. It was identified that WSPC would not be permitted to manage the car parks using the SMART parking system and the management of the carparks without that system would be too onerous for the Council. There were also limitations on what the Parish Council could spend any funds generated by the car park.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to recommend to Full Council not to take on the car parks as part of the asset transfer.
To consider parking issues causing damage throughout the village, create a plan identifying key areas and possible solutions
The Committee came up with several ideas to address the lack of parking in the village with possibilities to mitigate against cars and vans parking on grass verges and causing unsightly damage. The proposed plan included consulting with businesses, highways, and residents of the village for input. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to form a report and recommendation for Full Council to resolve to make this issue a number one priority in 2021 and request a maximum budget should verge markers and road signs such as one way or no parking be required.