FC July 2021 DRAFT Minutes

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Councillors: J Needham, M Williams, N Ford, D Bollard 

In attendance

Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.


Comments from the Chair 

The Chairman had no comments.  


Apologies for absence with reason given

Apologies from Councillors Truss, Brown & Moscrop were received and accepted.


Declarations of Members’ interests  

No declarations were made. 


Requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda

There were no requests for a dispensation on any items on the agenda 


To approve the notes of the Facilities Committee Meeting held on 5th May 2021 as being a true record of the meeting

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes. 


To review WSPC Project updates

The Project Table was reviewed. 

2. The bus shelter project was assigned to Councillors Needham and Moscrop to take forward. 

3. The Clerk is to follow up the delay with the bench repairs. highlighted for processing. 

21. A visitors sign in book is required. All other measure have been met.

22. the ERDF grant of £15,000 has been confirmed.

6a) Quality control is to be included in contract work for grass cutting and village maintenance. A visual inspection by Councillors Needham & Moscrop is to be reported to the Clerk.

6b) It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to hold the first walking surgery/open day on Saturday 18th September. Details to be confirmed at the next meeting. The event is to be publicized with flyers and posters.  


To consider further quotes for repairs at the Kirkby Lane cemetery including details of the survey from the monumental stone mason and resolve action and expenditure, consider options, and resolve actions

A report detailing prices for selected repair works at the cemetery had been circulated with the agenda. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to instruct the contactors to remove the soil spoil, gravel all the paths, repair cemetery fencing and install a self-closing hand gate at the far end. The total budget allocated £3500.00.


To consider the current position regarding availability at the Kirkby Lane cemetery and long term programme & expansion possibilities

The issues with the water table and shortage of burial space is now a priority. This is to be addressed by Full Council, new land is required, and all options have to be investigated.


To consider cemetery shed tidy up, identify items for disposal and possible future use of space

The cemetery shed has some old furniture stored in it along with road closure signage. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to empty the building of all no essential items and take them to the recycling centre at Kirkby Lane. Councillor Ford will assist in clearing the area.

Once it is emptied its future use can be discussed.  


To consider the information from the Lincolnshire Diocese regarding improving the St Andrews Closed Churchyard, suggest options to be explored

Information recently received by the Lincolnshire Diocese regarding the old and in poor condition memorials at the St Andrews closed churchyard site stated that a faculty from the Diocese would be required from them before any works or maintenance could be carried out in the area. They requested photographic evidence of memorials which had been laid down due to instability issues identified during health and safety checks in the churchyard over many years.


To consider the impact the position of Assistant Clerk is having in the office & identify long term duties and projects

The position of Assistant Clerk is working well. The Planning Committee and its associated work load has been delegated to the Assistant Clerk under the supervision of the Clerk. This is working well however with such limited hours for the post it has highlighted the need for additional hours to be considered at the November budget meeting to enable the role to incorporate all aspects of Parish Council administration. 


To consider contractual verge maintenance on planted areas and resolve action

Due to a complaint from a resident about the grass and daffodils being cut down by WSPC grass verge maintenance contractor background information was sought.

The contractor explained to the Clerk there are only 2 such verges that he is aware of. He only cuts the verges once the flowers start to die off. This is the case with the verge on Stanhope Avenue.

LCC require residents to apply for a planting permit if they wish to plant anything on their verges.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to ensure information regarding the planting and verge cutting maintenance schedule is shard with residents via the web site an updated articles in the Wapentake.


To consider Community Grant Aid Applications & resolve funding

a)    Woodhall Rotary & Lions Club Christmas Fayre Lighting & Grotto

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to award a grant of £1500.00 pending sight of the accounts as required in the grant application form.


To confirm the date for the next Facilities Committee meeting due to staff holiday 

The next Facilities Committee meeting date, WEDNESDAY 18 August at 2.30pm in the Council Chambers