FC April 2021 Minutes
Councillors: J Needham, K Truss, R Brown and S Huskisson
In attendance
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Comments from The Chairman
The Chairman, Councillor Needham, welcomed everyone to the meeting, he also asked for a volunteer to attend a publicity photo opportunity with the Croquet Club with their new equipment purchased with WSPC community grant. Councillor Moscrop was mentioned but was not available at the meeting to confirm.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies from Councillor Mars were received and accepted. Councillor Moscrop was unable to access the ZOOM meeting.
Declarations of Members’ interests
Councillor Brown declared an interest in agenda item 6 as he knows one of the applicants.
Requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda
There were no requests for a dispensation on any items on the agenda
To approve the notes of the Facilities Committee Meeting held on 3rd March 2021 as being a true record of the meeting
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To consider applicants for the assistant clerk.
This agenda item was moved to the end of the agenda in closed session.
To consider the 3 year service contract applications and award contract
Grass Cutting Contract
Village Maintenance Contract Planting Contract
The documents for the Grass Cutting Contract were considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the 3 year contract to Welton Garden Services.
The documents for the Village Maintenance Contract were considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the 3 year contract to Tony Gibbons.
There were no applicants for the 3 year Planting Contract.
The Facilities Committee are to consider how to attract applicants.
Review WSPC Project updates: Please see latest table.
The colour coded table was considered and is to be updated with an assigned Councillor column for ease to follow up on progress.
To set a date for a site survey at Kirkby Lane Cemetery to identify how many graves have sunk due to very wet weather and confirm repair action.
This issue was discussed, the date for the survey was set for Thursday 22nd April at 10.30am. The survey will generate an action plan and lead to the production of a budget.
To consider the progress for a) & b) and resolve action. To consider requirements for item c).
a) Create a plan identifying key areas & issues
b) Suggest possible solutions
c) Create a community consultation questionnaire for problem areas in conjunction with LCC & ELDC (link with NHDP).
d) Create a budget based on consultation response
The key areas/issues have been identified but community consultation is not possible currently with the lockdown restrictions. The suggestion of a sample area being covered in wild flowers was suggested to hopefully keep motorist off the verges.
Permission will be required from Highways.
Proposals for a community questionnaire gained support to go out as part of the NHDP questionnaire for the best coverage and response from parishioners. This idea will be developed over the next few weeks. Councillor Brown also shared a google questionnaire system which could also be used.
To consider applicants for the assistant clerk.
This agenda item was moved to the end of the agenda in closed session.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to move into closed session to consider applicants for the position of Assistant Clerk.
The applicants were shortlisted, Councillor Brown did not take part in this part of the meeting as he declared an interest as he knew one of the applicants.
Councillors Needham and Moscrop would form the interview panel with the Clerk for interviews to be scheduled on the advertised date of 15th April. Any further applications received before the deadline date would still be considered.