FC May 2021 Minutes

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Councillors: J Needham, L Moscrop, R Brown

In attendance

Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.


Election of the Chairman

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor John Needham at the Facilities Committee Chair.


Apologies for absence with reason given

Apologies from Councillor Truss were received and accepted.


Declarations of Members’ interests

No declarations were made.


Requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda

There were no requests for a dispensation on any items on the agenda


To approve the notes of the Facilities Committee Meeting held on 7th April 2021 as being a true record of the meeting

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.


To review WSPC Project updates

The Project Table was reviewed. The bus shelter project was highlighted for processing. Prior to the lockdown much progress had been made between WSPC and the management at The Inn, still to progress is the bus shelter style, cost, installation and terms of use of the land on the grass verge for the siting of the bus shelter.

Councillor Moscrop was proposed to work on the project. The Clerk is to make the initial contact and arrange a meeting.


To receive findings from a site survey at Kirkby Lane Cemetery, resolve actions and expenditure based on the survey and subsequent visit from the monumental stone mason

Members of the Facilities Committee conducted a site survey. Several issues were found including disposal of leaves around the perimeter of the cemetery, paths needed additional gravel, the introduction of a one way system would be beneficial to avoid damage to the graves at the front of the line in the middle bay. The perimeter fence was damaged and down in places, exposure of the excessive soil mound after tree survey work was carried out and over 20 memorial headstones failed the topple test. Quotes have been sourced, however were not available for this meeting but are scheduled to arrive in time for the June meeting.

It was also identified that land at the cemetery is rapidly filling up and additional land would need to be procured within the next 12 months if a cemetery facility is to continue to be available in the parish.

Councillor Moscrop requested his comments, regarding the fencing surrounding the Closed Churchyard, were pointed and in his opinion a safety hazard.


To note the outcome of the Assistant Clerk interviews

The interviews were held via ZOOM with Councillors Needham and Moscrop and the Clerk.

The candidate standard was high. Mrs Karen Handley was the successful candidate and had her first day in the office today.


To propose equipment / events to ELDC as part of the Welcome Back Fund Detailed particulars of what the grant money could be allocated on was previously sent to all Councillors, this included provision of outdoor seating, planting, and events. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to request funding for benches in the village, styles of which are to be explored with detailed costings. Planting within the village was also considered.


To consider locations for LCC tree planting scheme

Currently WSPC do not own any suitable land for additional trees. JPWS may have a suitable location and would be followed up.


To consider the next meeting date of the Facilities Committee regarding the Coronavirus Act 2020 remote meeting legislation which expires on 7th May 2021 It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to hold the next meeting on Wednesday 9th June at the Parish Council office commencing at 2.30pm


Community Grant Aid Applications

a)    U3A Litter Picking Equipment

The application was considered. The U3A had recently held successful litter picking expeditions within the parish. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to grant the £119.50 requested for equipment.

A letter of thanks to Goodwins was also requested as they also donated equipment.

b)    Rotary Club Aluminum Recycling Scheme

The project is to place a purpose built can recycling bank to be sited next to other recycling bins in the Broadway car park. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to grant the £600 requested for the equipment.