February 2021 Minutes
Public Forum
3 members of the public were present. They raised concerns about the planning application at Mill Lane and over development in the village and windfall sites.
Councillors: J Needham (Vice Chair), N Ford, R Brown, C Walker, S Huskisson, K Truss, R Wilson and L Moscrop.
Councillor Patricia Bradwell, LCC
Councillor Craig Leyland, ELDC
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Comments from the Chair
Councillor Needham chaired the meeting in the absence of Councillor Williams.
Councillor Needham thanked David Clarke for all the time he invested and his commitment to the Parish Council over the last 13 years.
FC/2/2/Apologies for absence with reason given
Councillors Williams apologies were noted and accepted.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
Councillor Brown declared an interest in agenda item 15a, Lives appeal.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes
a. Full Council Meeting 19th January 2021
A typo was acknowledged at 17/1/2.
It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To receive the draft notes from committees
a) The Planning Committee held on 2nd February 2021
There were no questions raised from the Planning Committee notes
b) The Facilities Committee held on 3rd February 2021
There were no questions raised from the Facilities Committee notes
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
East Lindsey District Council Councillor Leyland reported the NHS Covid 19 vaccination locations were very well organised and the vaccine was rolling out well.
County Councillor Bradwell stated the pot hole situation is in a dreadful state, Alexandra Road and Tor-o-Moor Road near resurfacing, along with the footpath on Tor-o-Moor. The date for these works to start are still to be confirmed.
LCC are concerned about the development on Mill Lane causing further problems with sewage which has been reported backing up into people’s homes. Anglian Water are yet to comment. There have also been concerns raised about the health and safety of the narrow access road.
The maintenance gang are due by the end of February but may be slightly delayed. Councillor Needham requested the paving stones on The Broadway, which are uneven due to the tree roots, are addressed before the Easter Holidays.
To consider the report and recommendation from the Facilities Committee regarding the car parks listed in the asset transfer
The Facilities Committee had conducted a thorough report of car park management systems and legal implications. As a Parish Council the Smart Parking system was not an option due to the legal status. The recommendation from the Committee was not to take on the two car parks as it would not be cost effective for the Parish Council.
To resolve whether to include the car parks in the asset transfer
After some fair discussion it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved not to take on the two car parks at this time as part of the asset transfer.
To consider a report from the Facilities Committee to prioritise parking issues in the village during 2021, resolve to adopt the recommended plan and set a maximum budget to implement actions
Councillor Needham explained the plan and problems so far identified. Locate hot spots for problematic parking and delivery drivers churning up the verges. The traffic management through the Pine Woods was also included in the plan. Surveys with the community, LCC and ELDC requesting other possible areas and also asking for their ideas for solutions is included in the plan. Councillor Moscrop gave an estimated figure of approximately 15K to cover signage, road markings and repaired damaged areas. Councillor Bradwell stated the maintenance gang would be able to address some of the issues on the assignment to the village.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to make this project a priority for this financial year and to start the planning of the consultation to form a robust plan with accurate costings. Once at this stage the Finance Working Group would scrutinise the budget and generate a report for Full Council stating if funds were available.
Financial Matters
a) To approve automated payments and future payments to be made
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
J Greer HMRC LCC Pen |
20/139 |
Staffing Costs |
1778.61 |
Group of Churches |
20/140 |
Community Grant |
600.00 |
Woodhall Steamers |
20/141 |
Community Grant |
500.00 |
John Barker |
20/142 |
Remembrance Service Trumpeter |
300.00 |
Coronavirus Support |
20/143 |
Oct – Dec Repayments |
882.00 |
Taltalk |
20/144 |
Telephone & Broadband |
34.72 |
British Gas |
20/145 |
ATM Electricity *amended bill |
43.51 |
British Gas |
20/146 |
ATM Electricity * amended bill |
21.70 |
2 Commune |
20/147 |
New Website |
2130.00 |
Opus |
20/148 |
Office Gas |
42.47 |
20/149 |
Office electricity * amended bill |
7.48 |
TalkTalk |
20/150 |
Telephone & Broadband |
33.60 |
Coronavirus Support |
20/151 |
Mobile Phone Expenses |
36.00 |
Payroo |
20/152 |
Accounts Licence |
6.00 |
Payroo |
20/153 |
Accounts Licence |
6.00 |
Joann Greer |
20/154 |
Mc Affee 2-year premium plus & Postage |
143.64 |
British Gas |
20/155 |
ATM Jan-Feb |
61.98 |
20/156 |
Station Road |
116.86 |
The Goodlife Gardener |
20/157 |
St Andres/Chapmans Contract |
175.00 |
Welton Garden Services |
20/158 |
3 x cemetery invoices & tree works |
2400.00 |
S. Parker |
20/159 |
X mas tree lighting 2019/20 |
238.00 |
Tony Gibbons |
20/160 |
Village Maintenance Contract |
333.00 |
Viking |
20/161 |
Stationery |
72.47 |
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed.
b) To receive the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was not noted.
To resolve to amend the Terms of reference to 8 members for:
a) The Planning Committee
b) The Facilities Committee
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to increase the membership number of both Committees to 8 members to ensure such meeting are always quorate.
FC/13/2/21 To respond to the ELDC Planning Consultation
The ELDC survey was considered, however it was felt the deadline for a response in April offered the time to consider the survey fully before providing a response.
It was agreed to put links to the survey on the Parish Council web site.
To note the resignation of the Tree Warden and consider whether to form a new tree group
The resignation from Colin Budge who has been a volunteer tree warden for several years was noted. The Clerk had written to him thanking him for his time and dedication to the role.
The Council considered the information the tree warden/group provided and the impact this had with the ELDC tree department. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved not to form a new tree group.
To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required
a) LIVES thank you letter and request for future funding – a response is required
b) Letter from residents objecting to Mill Lane development – a response is required
Councillor Brown explained a little more about the service LIVES provides and in particular in the local area. As he has declared an interest, he was then moved the virtual waiting room for Council to make a resolution.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to donate £250 in this financial year and identify an amount for the 2021/22 financial year.
Several residents have raised concern about a proposed development on Mill Lane. Their main concern is the over development of the site from a narrow road used for access, impact on natural habitat also surface drainage of the area.
Councillor Leyland explained that the application was currently at the environmental impact assessment stage and not a current planning application. Documents to that effect are expected around the middle of March. Issues with the sewage system is a legal responsibility of Anglian Water.
The general feeling from local residents is developer play the game with cumulative development which overtime over develop the area. Despite the local plan being adopted in 2018 the Localism Bill is not supportive of local people leading to them loosing faith in the process and are tired of being ignored.
The Clerk is to reply to the residents stating the application will be considered once it is a full planning application.
FC/16/2/21To resolve to go into closed session to discuss the potential offer of payment holidays in 2021 due to business interruption from Coronavirus lockdowns and resolve action
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to go into closed session.
The Council agreed in principle to the payment holiday, however a ZOOM meeting is to be scheduled with JPWS to answer questions about the financial situation and for them to provide a statement to justify why they need the holiday and extend their terms for repayment. This would formalize the process with the final decision being made at the next Full Council meeting in March.
The next scheduled Full Council meeting via ZOOM
Tuesday 16th March at 7.00pm