October 2021 Minutes
Public Forum
Several members of the parish attended the meeting. They raised issues surrounding Remembrance Day, Parking, and driving on the designated cycle path at the Broadgate development on Witham Road and issues regarding the seating at the Millennium Garden which the Rotary do not want replaced.
The following Councillors were present: Councillor M. Williams, J. Needham, D Bollard, G Withington, N Ford, C Marrs, L Moscrop, K Truss and R Shaw.
ELDC Councillor C Leyland, T Kemp, LCC P Bradwell, J Greer Parish Clerk were also present.
Assistant Clerk Karen Handley was also present in a voluntary capacity.
FC/1/10/21 Comments from the Chair
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.10pm.
FC/2/10/21 Apologies for absence with reasons given
Apologies from Councillors Ayling and Brown were noted and accepted. Apologies from Councillor R Wilson were not received.
FC/3/10/21 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declaration of interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
FC/4/10/21 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any member present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take part in the debate and vote)
No requests were made
FC/5/10/21 To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes from Full Council Meeting 21st September 2021
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
FC/6/10/21 To receive a report from East Lindsey District Council
No comments or statements were made by either of East Lindsey District Councillors.
LCC P Bradwell reported on resurfacing on Alexandra Road and King Edward Road. Highways are looking to introduce a 3-year maintenance programme.
The one-way system through the Pine Woods looks achievable to be completed by the spring of 2022.
Discussions about reducing the speed limit on Stixwould Road to 30mph as cars have been reported driving at excessive speed to the roundabout. Councillor Bradwell stated there is pressure on Highways to reduce the speed to 30mph in the village.
Parking is a continuing problem; several parking spaces have been taken out of service in the village with the government lifting restrictions for street cafes but there doesn’t appear to be much eagerness from businesses to re instate their car parking areas.
FC/7/10/21 Financial Matters
a) To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the two-page payment list presented at the meeting
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
Debbie Bollard |
21/083 |
Food Bank telephone reimbursement |
£84.00 |
Opus Energy |
21/084 |
Business Gas Bill £94.16 Credit |
£0.00 |
21/085 |
Loan Repayment |
£15,073.27 |
Goodwins |
21/086 |
Hardware items |
£275.95 |
21/087 |
Cemetery Management Assistant Clerk Training |
£162.00 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/088 |
Maintenance |
£1,566.00 |
GritBins.net |
21/089 |
4 X 27kg Drop Spreader |
£239.95 |
R.G. Hygiene |
21/090 |
Contract Cleaning |
£24.00 |
Janet Millhouse |
21/091 |
Repair of Clock Tower |
£760.00 |
Talk Talk Business |
21/092 |
Telephone bill |
£36.00 |
Joann Greer |
21/093 |
Items for Kirkby Lane Cemetery |
£148.97 |
Poppy Appeal |
21/094 |
2 x poppy wreaths |
60.00 |
British Gas |
21/095 |
ATM Electricity |
42.85 |
J Grer K Handley HMRC LCC |
21/096 |
Staffing Costs |
3879.88 |
21/097 |
Christmas Tree Lighting Station Rd |
55.32 |
Boston Seeds |
21/098 |
Wild Meadow Seeds |
376.00 |
b) The bank reconciliation was acknowledged.
c) To consider a request from WS Lions to fund 30 lamp post poppies.
RBL had sold out of lamp post poppies at the time of the meeting. The Council will reconsider for Remembrance 2022.
FC/8/10/21 To receive an update report on the Royal Square upgrade proposal
Unfortunately, Mr Keegan was unable to attend the meeting.
Councillors requested an update from ELDC Councillor Leyland regarding their solicitor’s movement on the asset transfer as Sills & Betteridge will still waiting for their response.
FC/9/10/21 To consider the report and costs for outsourcing the website ongoing update and maintenance, resolve actions and expenditure
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to take on the computer services of Mr Bennet at an initial set up cost of £200 with an £80 monthly instalment payment.
FC/10/10/21 To consider a request from a resident to assist with traffic issues on Witham Road and resolve action
This issue had previously been discussed at the meeting. Councillor Leyland is to look at the planning conditions for the Broadgate development and the cycle path.
The issue of vehicles, speed, parking and congestion is an ongoing concern and will take multi agency working to resolve the issues.
FC/11/10/21To consider the correspondence from the Rotary Club regarding seating in Millennium Gardens and resolve action
The Rotary Club addressed the Council and stated they did not see the need to replace the newly refurbished benches at the Millennium Gardens as part of the ERDF replacement village bench programme.
Two members of the parish council agreed to meet with the Rotary Club to discuss new benches at Millennium Gardens further.
FC/12/10/21 To consider additional projects for inclusion in the new financial year to assist with budget planning at the November meeting
A list is to be collated by Councillor Needham and Withington to be sent to the Finance Working group to include in the budget planning.
FC/13/10/21 To update Councillor membership of and amend Terms of Reference if necessary
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved that all Councillors are to be full Committee members for the Planning Committee and Facilities Committee as from November 2021.
Planning Committee would continue to meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm.
Members are to be canvased on suitable future dates for Facilities Committee meetings.
FC/14/10/21 To receive a Remembrance Day Event update
The event outline was discussed at length. The Clerk is to formulate the schedule in detail and assign volunteers to the relevant posts.
The outdoor service will start at 10.30am and will be simultaneously broadcast at Royal Square.
FC/15/10/21 To receive a Christmas Tree progress report
The Christmas tree project is in order. The trees will be going up on Sunday 5th December and coming down on Sunday 9th January.
FC/16/10/21 To consider the damaged village sign reports & resolve action
It was proposed, seconded, and agreed to repair the damaged sign on Stixwould Road.
FC/17/10/21 To receive a progress update on the NHDP process
Councillor Truss stated the situation had not progressed since the last meeting.
FC/18/10/21 To receive feedback from the village open meeting 16.10.21 and resolve action if required
Councillor Needham said the last outing was attended by several children who would like to address the Council at the next full Council meeting. It was agreed to keep the surgeries available on a monthly basis as interest was gaining momentum.
Councillors Leyland and Kemp asked if they could attend a future outdoor surgery.
FC/19/10/21 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting
The next meeting of the Full Council was scheduled for Tuesday 16th November at 7.00pm in the Council office.
FC/20/10/21 To resolve to go into closed session to consider the Clerk’s annual appraisal and resolve actions
The Council voted to do into closed session.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the Clerk the pay scale of LC23 after a successful appraisal.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 pm