May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Public Forum
No comments were raised.
Councillors: M Williams, J Needham, N Ford, R Brown, C Walker, K Truss, C Marrs, R Ayling and L Moscrop.
Councillor Patricia Bradwell, LCC Councillors Craig Leyland, ELDC Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.
Election of the Chairman
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elected Councillor M Williams as the Chairman.
Election of the Vice Chairman
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor J Needham as the Vice Chairman.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies had not been received from Councillors Wilson and Huskisson prior to the meeting.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).
No requests were made.
To receive reports from District and County Councillors
Councillor Leyland reported that the vaccination programme was now available to the 40+ age group and stated the NHS had done a fabulous job in the vaccination centres. The visitor numbers were down in the village over the bank holiday weekend, and he felt this was due to the terrible weather, he also thought people were still cautious to come out and confidence would still take some time to return.
FC/7/5/21 Financial Matters
a) To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments as listed
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
J Greer HMRC LCC |
21/013 |
Staffing Costs |
1777.921 |
T Gibbons |
21/014 |
Village Maintenance jobs inv 2107 |
367.50 |
TalkTalk |
21/015 |
Telephone & Broadband |
33.60 |
Goodwins |
21/016 |
Christmas Light Boxes, Padlock, doorbell |
114.02 |
21/017 |
Annual ZOOM Licence |
119.90 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/018 |
Grass Cutting Contract |
1782.00 |
21/019 |
Burial Training |
54.00 |
Tony Gibbons |
21/020 |
Cemetery Building Repairs as Quotation |
860.00 |
Payroo |
21/021 |
Payroll Licence |
6.00 |
K Handley |
21/022 |
Salary only |
305.76 |
Wave |
21/023 |
Office Water |
43.62 |
21/024 |
Office Gas in credit |
0.00 |
21./025 |
Station Road Electricity |
89.99 |
British Gas |
21/026 |
ATM Electricity |
46.92 |
D Leech |
21/027 |
U3A Community Grant |
150.98 |
21/028 |
Annual Membership |
750.66 |
P C World |
21/029 |
Assistants Computer & Software |
1274.94 |
b) To receive the year end summary report
The report was received, no questions were raised.
c) To approve the purchase of new computer equipment for Assistant Clerk & Meetings
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to purchase the office equipment as per the quotation.
To review Standing Orders and amend where necessary
The only update was to accept quotes and tenders also electronically.
To review the Financial Regulations and amend where necessary
The only update was to accept quotes and tenders also electronically.
To assign Councillors to the Planning & Facilities Committee
Councillors Brown, Ayling, Needham, Walker and Moscrop were assigned to the Planning Committee.
Councillors Needham, Truss, Brown and Moscrop were assigned to the Facilities Committee.
A maximum of 8 Councillors are permitted on each Committee, the Chairman asked if any other interested Councillors would like to attend either of the Committees prior to the next Full Council to see if they would like to be considered for the Committee appointment.
To consider developing a Good Neighbourhood Scheme in the village in conjunction with the Coronavirus Community Support Team
Councillors Truss and Brown met with Debbie Bollard and Mandy Elmer with the Clerk to discuss the Good Neighbour Scheme. It seemed to compliment the current volunteer programme which had worked so well in the village during the Coronavirus lockdowns which had impacted many of the village residents. A natural progression with support from YMCA and Community Lincs could replace the Community Coronavirus Support Group which was now winding down.
Councillor Moscrop raised a concern that volunteers may be replacing services which should be provided and paid for by social services, ELDC, central and local government. Councillor Bradwell praised the volunteers for their effort during the lockdown as they did an amazing job helping the lonely and isolated and it did not replace the wellbeing service.
The group are to present a brief to the council at the net meeting. Stating what help they require from the parish council who were very supportive of the initial information.
To set the date of the next full Council meeting in June, ZOOM meetings are currently not permitted for Parish Council meetings from 7th May therefore the next meeting will be in person in the office. Lockdown restrictions are due to end on 21st June.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set the date of the next meeting after the 21 June as restrictions are due to be lifted and face to face meetings can resume in the office. Pending the announcement from the Prime Minister the plan may need to be altered. The Council will work within the parameters of the legislation.
To consider candidates for the Councillor vacancy with a view to co-option The Council were extremely fortunate that two excellent candidates had applied for the casual vacancy. Discussion was followed by voting. It was proposed, seconded, and voted by a majority of 5 that Mrs Deberah Bollard be co-opted onto the Parish Council.
To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required
No business for this agenda item
The next scheduled Full Council meeting will be confirmed After the next government coronavirus roadmap announcement