September 2021 Minutes
Public Forum
2 members of the public were present, both of them had applied for the parish councillor vacancy.
During the public forum Councillor Truss asked if it would be possible to have more dialogue with the local police.
The following Councillors were present: Councillor M. Williams, J. Needham, D Bollard, G Withington, R Wilson, N Ford, C Marrs, K Truss.
ELDC Councillor C Leyland and J Greer Parish Clerk were also present.
FC/1/9/21 Comments from the Chair
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
FC/2/9/21 Apologies for absence with reasons given
Apologies from Councillors Ayling, Brown and Moscrop were noted and accepted.
FC/3/9/21 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declaration of interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
FC/4/9/21 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any member present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take part in the debate and vote)
No requests were made
FC/5/9/21 To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes from Full Council Meeting 24th June 2021
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
FC/6/9/21 To receive a report from East Lindsey District Council
ELDC Councillor Craig Leyland informed the Council the Mill Lane development planning application would go before the Planning Committee. There were issues regarding the access to the development,
He then went on to cover proposed new bottle bank services and the steadily increasing Covid 19 cases in the county which is having an impact on operations being delayed.
Councillor Bollard questioned conditions the Parish Council had requested for the Mill Lane development and if they would be considered fully. He stated they would be.
FC/7/9/21 Financial Matters
a) To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the two-page payment list presented at the meeting
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
TalkTalk Business |
21/045 |
Telephone & Broadband May |
36.00 |
British Gas |
21/046 |
ATM Electricity |
36.46 |
21/047 |
Management of Memorials x 2 places |
324.00 |
21/048 |
Office Gas |
In credit |
Paul McFahn |
21/049 |
Office window Cleaning |
15.00 |
R.G Hygiene |
21/050 |
Contract Cleaning |
24.00 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/051 |
Cemetery Maintenance |
3,240 |
British Gas |
21/052 |
ATM Electricity |
41.18 |
21/053 |
Communities Training |
237.02 |
J Greer K Handley HMRC LCC Pension Fund |
21/054 |
Staff Payments |
2142.66 |
R. G. Hygiene |
21/055 |
Contract Cleaning |
24.00 |
21/056 |
Royal Square/Station Rd Electricity |
82.51 |
British Gas |
21/057 |
ATM Electricity |
42.85 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/058 |
Cemetery & Verge Contracts |
2544.00 |
WS Rotary Club |
21/059 |
Community Grant Aluminium Can Bank |
582.00 |
Tony Gibbons |
21/060 |
Village Maintenance & Grave Marking |
409.50 |
Viking Direct |
21/061 |
Printer Cartridges & Stationery |
168.08 |
J Greer K Handley HMRC LCC Pension |
21/062 |
Staff Payments |
2083.68 |
21/063 |
LALC News Hard Copies |
12.00 |
TalkTalk Business |
21/064 |
Telephone & Broadband June |
36.00 |
TalkTalk Business |
21/065 |
Telephone & Broadband July |
36.00 |
Wave Anglian Water |
21/066 |
Office Water 3 May – 2 Aug |
47.05 |
Payroo |
21/067 |
Payroll software May - Jun |
6.00 |
Payroo |
21/068 |
Payroll software July - August |
6.00 |
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
Rotary Club & Lions |
21/069 |
Christmas Fayre lighting & display |
1500.00 |
Opus |
21/070 |
Office Gas £97.97 in credit |
0.00 |
Horncastle Computer Services |
21/071 |
NHDP web site hosting |
109.50 |
RG Hygiene |
21/072 |
Office cleaning |
24.00 |
Goodwins |
21/073 |
Bench repair equipment |
82.60 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/074 |
Cemetery & verge mowing |
2610.00 |
J Greer |
21/075 |
Refreshments 18.09.21 |
8.79 |
PKF Littlejohn |
21/076 |
Annual Audit |
480.00 |
Ao Business |
21/077 |
TV monitor |
379.00 |
P McPhan |
21/078 |
Office window cleaning |
15.00 |
Tony Gibbons |
21/079 |
Village Maintenance Contract |
325.00 |
21/080 |
Office Electric |
62.67 |
Viking Direct |
21/081 |
Office Stationery/printer ink x 4 invoices |
211.27 |
J Greer K Handley HMRC LCC |
21/082 |
Staffing Costs September |
2146.01 |
FC/7b/9/21 To note the conclusion of the Annual Audit
The annual audit had been concluded by the external auditors PKF Littlejohn LLP and were found to be in good order. The notice of the conclusion is to be displayed no later than 30 September.
FC/8/9/21 To consider a report from the Facilities Committee Chairman, Councillor Needham. To consider replacing the Committee with a Working Group to complete actions already identified on the Project Table and resolve maximum budget headings were applicable.
Councillor Needham stated it was a sad event that Councillors were not attending the Facilities Committee or sending their apologies. The last meeting was scheduled for an evening start at 6.30 pm but this too was cancelled because it was not quorate. He felt the change to a working group instead of the Facilities Committee was a knee jerk reaction and would like it to stay as it is but did stress Councillors need to attend the meeting. It was recognised much good work had been started and is having a positive impact on the village. The Facilities Committee is to maintain its status.
FC/9/9/21 To assign two signatories to complete legal documents on behalf of WSPC from Sills & Betteridge to complete the Asset Transfer
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to assign the Chair, Councillor Williams, and Vice Chair Councillor Needham as the authorised signatories.
FC/10/9/21 Remembrance Day event, to resolve format & expenditure
After some discussion and the uncertainty of possible future Covid 19 restrictions in the autumn and volunteer availability it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to have the wreath laying events at the War Memorial and Royal Square location closing Station Road and Stixwould Road and omit the parade from St Peter’s church. A professional speaker system is to be sourced to allow all the crowd to hear what is being said at each site. The piper is to be engaged as usual.
FC/11/9/21 Village Christmas tree programme, to resolve format & expenditure
The Council debated the Christmas Tree Programme payment method from businesses. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to fund the Village Christmas Tree programme in full again this year. The Clerk is to organise and work with volunteers to put the trees up on Sunday 5th December in time for the Christmas Fayre.
FC/12/9/21 To note the damaged village sign, consider the report & resolve expenditure
The Council considered the damage to the sign and the repair costs provided by the designer and maker of the sign. It was proposed, seconded, seconded by a majority of 5 Councillors to keep the original sign and repair it.
The Clerk s to source two further quotes to assess the condition of the signs, repair costs and an annual maintenance budget.
FC/13/9/21 To consider the electricity & gas supply table and resolve supplier
The contents of the suppliers table was considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to stay with SSE for electricity and Opus for gas supply/
FC/14/9/21 To consider a request from JPWS to support their planning application for an events bar in the grounds of Jubilee Park
The Council agreed in principle with the idea of the planning application, however a need to engage with neighbouring properties was identified and details of hours of operation is required.
FC/15/9/21 To receive a progress update on the NHDP process
Councillor Truss update the Council on progress made to date. The draft housing assessment need and design code work is currently underway. There is an opportunity for £18,000 financial support to help with publicity and printing and the , development of the NHDP policy is in progress. It is anticipated it will be ready early next year.
FC/16/9/21 To consider a request for support to implement a tree lined roadside between Woodhall Spa and Martin
The Council considered the request but felt the location was not the right one. The Clerk is to inform the applicant of the outcome and the Council would be happy to consider other locations.
FC/17/9/21 To receive an update regarding the Good Neighbours group
Councillor Bollard explained Woodhall Spa was a very fortunate as there seems to be many good neighbours looking out for each other and they don’t really need an organised group. She didn’t see the scheme progressing any further.
The funds generated and still held in the Parish Council account are still available to the food bank scheme which is still a necessity especially for perishable produce.
FC/18/9/21 To consider applicants for the Parish Council vacancy with a view to co-opt
Three people applied for the vacancy, two were in attendance and were able to give a brief representation to accompany their written application.
By a majority vote Mrs Rebecca Shaw was co-opted to fill the vacant councillor position.
FC/19/9/21 To consider a request for a contribution for the maintenance of the clock tower above the jewellers, Station Road
Council considered the request from the owner to contribute to the maintenance of the clock tower. Councillor Needham has seen the repair work and said it had been carried out to a good standard. The history of the clock tower and the involvement of the Parish Council was briefly discussed. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to contribute £760.00 towards the maintenance cost.
FC/20/9/21 To receive feedback regarding the walk & talk meeting 18.09.21
Councillors reviewed the 2-hour event considered it to be successful. Councillor Withington reported his findings to the Council. 3 members of the public had attended the event in Royal Square and one Parishioner attended the office.
Concerns raised included short notice of the event, traffic, speeding vehicles, cluttered shop fronts and A boards, national cycle route, transparency of the council, more detail in Wapentake article
FC/21/9/21 To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required
No general correspondences had been received.
FC/22/9/21 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting
The next meeting of the Full Council was scheduled for Tuesday 19th October at 7.00pm in the Council office.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00 pm