November 2021 Minutes

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Public Forum

Several members of the parish attended the meeting. Members from Jubilee Park made themselves available for Councillors to ask questions regarding their current planning application for a container bar, clad in wood, in the grounds of the park.

Other members of the public were there in a supporting capacity for the pupils of St Andrew’s presentation.

The Meeting

In Attendance

Councillors M. Williams, Chair, J Needham, Vice Chair, C, Marrs, R. Brown, L. Moscrop, D. Bollard, G. Withington, and R. Shaw.

LCC Councillor P. Bradwell, ELDC Councillors C. Leyland and T Kemp, Parish Clerk J. Greer were also present.

Assistant Clerk, K. Handley was also present in a voluntary capacity.

FC/1/11/21 Comments from the Chair

The Chairman addressed the Council highlighting the role, responsibilities, and legal duties of the Parish Clerk and the advisory capacity to assist the Parish Council when making decisions. The Chairman also reminded Council about Corporate Governance which is how a parish council functions. Councillor Williams made this statement to remind Council of the powers, duties, and legal framework within which a parish council must work. 

FC/2/11/21 To receive a presentation from pupils at St Andrews Primary School

Three pupils from St Andrew’s primary school made a short presentation to the Council regarding a survey they had undertaken in the village which highlighted positive aspects and also some areas in need of attendance. 

FC/3/11/21 Apologies for absence with reason given 

Apologies were noted and accepted from Councillors K. Truss, N. Ford, R. Wilson and R. Ayling.

FC/4/11/21 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

All Councillors declared an interest in agenda item 9 – draft budget.

FC/5/11/21 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

All Councillors present completed a dispensation form regarding agenda item 9 prior to the start of the meeting. The Clerk authorised all budget dispensation requests valid for 12 months.

FC/6/11/21 To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes. Full Council Meeting 19 October 2021

Amendments were required regarding including K Handley on the attendees list and further dialogue with the Rotary regarding benches at Millennium Gardens.

It was then proposed, seconded and resolved to sign the notes and adopt as the minutes.

FC/9/11/21 To consider the first draft Budget 2022/23 and amendments to Ear Marked Reserves produced by the Finance Working Group

This agenda item was moved up the list due Councillor Brown leaving for another meeting.

Councillors Brown, Truss, Withington and the Clerk, the Finance Working Group, met via ZOOM to go through the proposal provided by Councillor Brown. Ear marked reserves were scrutinised. A form template for all future project costings was discussed including a start and end date. The information provided and discussed at the meeting will form the content for the second budget meeting in December.

FC/7/11/21 To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council  

Councillor P. Bradwell informed the Council that the speed check on Witham Road, which is the first step to compiling information before a speed reduction scheme can be implemented, had not been started yet as the officer responsible at LCC had retired and the position has not been filled. Councillor Bradwell stated she would follow this up, once information has been collated it is scrutinised to see if it meets the criteria to start the speed reduction programme.

Dialogue with Mrs Cox at Coronation Hall regarding potential additional village parking spaces continues with Councillor Bradwell & WSPC Councillors Needham & Moscrop. 

Councillor Leyland provided a detailed response regarding the completion of the cycle path at the Broadgate development on Witham Road. The footpath and cycle path are a condition of the planning permission; however, they have not been triggered yet as the development has not reached the relevant development stage. Once this stage is achieved the road, footpath and cycle path must reach the criteria to be adopted by highways. 

Councillor Moscrop asked Councillor Leyland about the levelling up fund and the heating fund which are available in Lincolnshire and why none of it has reached the residents of Woodhall Spa.

Councillor Leyland informed the Council, the grants are aimed at deprived areas in Lincolnshire, therefore the majority of the funds have gone to Mablethorpe and Skegness as Woodhall Spa does fit the criteria for depravation.

FC/8/11/21 Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




Opus Energy


Gas Bill


Talk Talk Business


Phone Bill




Hardware items


Welton Garden Services






Water Bill


John Barker


Musical services at Remembrance Day Service


British Gas


ATM The Broadway


R. G. Hygiene


Office Cleaning


Tony Gibbons


Kirkby Lane Cemetery


Tony Gibbons




Tony Gibbons






Monthly Payroll System


2 Commune


Annual web hosting and support


b)   To note the bank reconciliation 

The bank reconciliation of £172, 018.41 in the current account as of 28 October was noted.

FC/10/11/21 To consider recent criminal activity in the village and policing. To consider a joint community approach to address the issues including better communication with the police and consider various CCTV or ANPR equipment

The police and housing association are working within the parish to address the small minority who are causing criminal damage and increasing the perception of crime within the village. 

The Clerk had been in communication with PCSO Wass who didn’t think the crime numbers identified the need for a safety summit, however he did recommend contacting the Safer Together Team. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to invite the representative to the next meeting to discuss ways forward to develop a public meeting.

Councillor Moscrop was concerned about tree branches limiting the light from streetlights causing dark areas within the village. 

Councillor Bradwell stated the Policing Consultation is now available online.

FC/11/11/21 To consider the damaged village sign reports & resolve action 

As further damage has broken the Stixwould Sign completely it was proposed to gather information to display at the Annual Parish Meeting to consult with the parishioners as how they wish to move forward. 

FC/12/11/21 To consider the status of the Food Bank and the request for a separate bank account

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved for the food bank to continue using the WSPC account with the scribe monthly cost centre presented to Councillor Bollard. Any cash donations are to be banked via WSPC office.

FC/13/11/21 To consider the options for increased community communication platforms, term of reference and policy implications.

This item was deferred to the Facilities Committee

FC/14/11/21 To consider introducing a WSPC community jobs team to carry out a range of jobs within the parish, equipment & budgetary requirements. Terms of reference and a policy would be required

This item was deferred to the next meeting due to over running time 

FC/15/11/21 To receive a Christmas Tree programme update

The Clerk informed the Council all trees have been ordered and will go up on Sunday 5th December in time for the village Christmas Fayre on 10th December. Some volunteers have put their names forward to assist but more are required.

FC/16/11/21 To receive a progress update on the NHDP process

Councillor Truss was not present at the meeting to provide an update.

FC/17/11/21 To receive feedback from the Remembrance Day Event 2021

Everything had gone to plan with only one volunteer not able to attend due to Covid.

RBL thanked the Parish Council for organising a safe community Remembrance Day event. 

FC/18/11/21 To consider a request from a concerned resident regarding traffic issues throughout the village and possible options

The issues brought up regarding, speeding, inconsiderate parking and general lack of parking spaces are currently and have been for some time in discussion with LCC and ELDC.

FC/19/11/21 To consider several complaints received at the office regarding access being denied to none member pedestrians through the car park at the golf club to access footpaths on the golf course

The Council was sympathetic to the residents however WSPC have no statutory authority on which to reverse the golf club’s decision. The legal definition for an identified footpath lies with LCC. WSPC will explore options available.

FC/20/11/21 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting

The next Full Council Meeting will be 

Tuesday 14th December
Council Offices

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm