June 2021 Minutes
Public Forum
5 members of the public were present, 2 addressed the Council with their concerns about the lack of police presence in the village, and the lack of enforcement to stop vehicles parking on the footpaths.
Another resident raised concerns regarding the additional seating and shop merchandise placed on the footpath making it difficult for people to manage the pavements. Hedges, bushes, tables, and clutter are all having an impact on pedestrians making their way through the village.
FC/1/6/21 Comments from the Chair
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first face to face meeting of the Full Council in over a year. He expressly thanked Emma Brealey for letting the Parish Council have the use of the Petwood, Woodland Suite, at such short notice due to lockdown restrictions remaining in place, and for letting the space at no charge.
FC/2/6/21 Apologies for absence with reasons given
Apologies from Councillor Wilson were noted and accepted. Councillor Moscrop’ s apologies were later retrieved from the answer phone system.
LCC Councillor Bradwell, ELDC Councillors Leyland and Kemp also sent their apologies due to the meeting date change.
FC/3/6/21 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declaration of interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
FC/4/6/21 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any member present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take part in the debate and vote)
No requests were made
FC/5/6/21 To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes from Full Council Meeting 4th May 2021
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
FC/6/6/21 To receive the draft notes from committees
a) The Planning Committee held on 1st June 2021
No comments were made.
b) The Facilities Committee held on 9th June 2021
This meeting was cancelled as it was not quorate. Notes from the May meeting were circulated. No comments were made.
FC/7/6/21 To confirm additional members to
a) The Planning Committee
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to add Councillors Williams, Ford, Marrs and Bollard to membership of the Planning Committee.
b) The Facilities Committee
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to add Councillors Williams, Ford, Walker and Bollard to membership of the Facilities Committee.
FC/8/6/21 To receive a report from County Councillor Bradwell including feedback regarding Stixwould Road and wildflower grass
Councillor Bradwell was unable to attend the meeting so had sent an email report for Council prior to the meeting.
Confirmation that bollards could be put through the Pine Woods and at the corner of Stixwould to stop vehicle churning up the verge, however Highways officers did not agree with bollards the full length of Stixwould Road. A wildflower meadow would be permitted on the large verge opposite the tennis club as long as 1m boarder was maintained for traffic visibility.
FC/9/6/21 To receive a report from East Lindsey District Council
ELDC Councillors were not present at the meeting due to the date change.
FC/10/6/21 To receive a presentation from Woodhall in Bloom relating to a proposed plan to upgrade and improve Royal Square
As part of the asset transfer Royal Square will be transferred over to WSPC, possibly by the end of the year, Graham Keegan made a short presentation to Council to include a history of the area, wartime connections could bring the plan together. Public consultation would be sought and if the Council agreed, planning could start in earnest. Mr Keegan suggest a Heritage Lottery Grant would be a suitable grant fund to apply for the refurbishment.
WSPC agreed with the outline plan and would look forward to a grant application from Woodhall in Bloom to pay design fees at the next meeting.
FC/11/6/21 Financial Matters
a) To consider the report from the internal auditor
The internal auditors report was sent directly to the Chairman. The report stated the accounts were compliant with leal requirements and were accurate and well maintained.
b) To complete the annual audit
The annual audit form was completed and signed by the Council at the meeting
c) To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments presented at the meeting
Person/Company to be paid |
Invoice No. |
Details |
Amount £ |
J Greer K Handley HMRC LCC |
21/030 |
Staffing Costs |
2083.68 |
Viking Direct |
21/031 |
Office Equipment Assistant Clerk |
370.98 |
Joann Greer |
21/032 |
Stamps & Socket reimbursement |
35.48 |
Mr Pesty |
21/033 |
Annual Cemetery Pest Control |
175.00 |
Payroo |
21/034 |
Monthly Payroll System |
6.00 |
Opus |
21/035 |
Office Gas Bill |
In credit |
Jubilee Park WS |
21/036 |
Gully Cleaning |
78.00 |
RG Hygiene |
21/037 |
Office Cleaning |
24.00 |
Goodwins |
21/038 |
Boxes & Key |
85.60 |
21/039 |
Local Council Review |
17.50 |
Tony Gibbons |
21/040 |
Village Maintenance |
465.00 |
21/041 |
Office Electricity |
44.90 |
Welton Garden Services |
21/042 |
Cemetery/verge grass cutting fallen tree |
1806.00 |
S Nash |
21/043 |
Internal Audit |
120.00 |
Woodhall Copy Shop |
21/044 |
Community Grant Cottage Museum leaflets |
287.50 |
FC/12/6/21 To consider and resolve membership status of the assistant Clerk to the WYPF pension scheme
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to enrol the position of Assistant Clerk into the WYPF Pension scheme.
FC/13/6/21 To receive a presentation from the Good Neighbours group and resolve WSPC commitment
Councillor Bollard gave an outline review of the proposed scheme, which was the follow-on step from the Coronavirus Support Group which was set up at the start of the first Covid 19 lockdown. Supported and following the structure set out by the YMCA. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support the group and continue to assist them with banking facilities until they were able to open there own account which has been difficult due to staffing levels at banking facilities due to furlough schemes.
FC/14/6/21 To consider legal quotes for the Asset Transfer and award the contract
The Council considered the 3 quotes previously circulated to all Councillors.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the Asset Transfer legal contract to Sills & Betteridge.
FC/15/6/21 To consider applicants for the Parish Council vacancy with a view to co-opt
WSPC had received 3 applications for the co-opted position. Letters stating the applicant’s interest in the position and brief introduction had been sent to Councillors prior to the meeting. Two applicants were present, and both spoke briefly to introduce themselves.
Voting took place, it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to co -opt Garrett Withington who received the majority vote.
16/6/21 To consider concerns raised by the public regarding shop merchandise encroaching on the footpath including armchairs, washbasin, toilet. Resolve action
After some discussion regarding the amount of merchandise and equipment being placed outside business in the village and the concerns raised regarding the impact on the Disability Discrimination Act it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to write to all business owners to consider the impact they were having on pedestrians before embarking on displaying equipment and providing additional seating opportunities for their clientele.
FC/17/6/21 To receive a report from the Facilities Committee regarding the limited availability at the Kirkby Lane Cemetery and the need for additional land
Councillor Needham provide an update regarding the shortage of space at Kirkby Lane and estimated a maximum of 3 years before the cemetery would be full.
Some enquiries have been made regarding a small parcel of land which may be available, however upon inspection it did not appear large enough and there was a right of way access that ran through a large portion of the site.
The search will continue for a suitable site.
FC/18/6/21 To consider accepting a donation of £1571.40 from Woodhall Spa Chamber of Trade & Tourism for use to benefit the residents of Woodhall Spa
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the cheque and place the funds in an earmarked reserve for residential benefit.
FC/19/6/21 To consider an invitation from JPWS to be involved in the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration planned for June 2022 and assign a WSPC representative
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to get involved with this project. The new Councillor, Garrett Withington was nominated at the WSPC representative.
FC/20/6/21To consider purchasing a large monitor for the Council Chamber for future in person meetings
Quotes for a 50” screen were sent to Councillor prior to the meeting. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to allocate a maximum of £350 for the monitor which would complement the two smaller monitors already in place.
FC/21/6/21To receive a progress update on the NHDP process
Councillor Truss reported the NDHP Working Group had met to progress the plan.
Work is currently underway to commission a Housing Needs Analysis and to develop housing design codes.
The redrafting of policies continues to improve logic flow and readability.
Work has also commenced on developing a questionnaire for next round of consultation.
FC/22/6/21 To receive an update regarding the Pine Woods traffic flow
A positive meeting had been held with Councillors Needham and Moscrop with LCC with a positive outcome of a trial one-way system to be introduced.
FC/23/6/21 To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required
None received
FC/24/6/21 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting
The next Full Council meeting is now scheduled for Tuesday 21st September.