May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

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Public Forum

No members of the public were in attendance.

In Attendance

Councillors R Brown, Rebecca Shaw, J Sanderson, A Gammage, R Etches, Mark Cooke, and David Kisubika.   

Also present: 

LCC Patricia Bradwell

ELDC Craig Leyland

Joann Greer, Parish Clerk

FC/1/5/23 To elect the Chair 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to elect Councillor Richard Brown as the Chair. 

FC/2/5/23 To elect the Vice Chair

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor Becky Shaw as the Vice Chair.

FC/3/5/23 Apologies for absence with reasons given

No apologies were received for this meeting.

FC/4/5/23 Declaration of Member’s interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

No declarations were made.

FC/5/5/23 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

No requests were made.

FC/6/5/23 To receive reports from District and County Councillors 

Councillor Patricia Bradwell from Lincolnshire County Council stated her budget would be used to repaint the zebra crossing in the village and for drainage issues.

The flooding on Witham Road and at the roundabout will need to be investigated.

There had been a near miss collision with a child and a cyclist on the pavement, the cycle path abruptly stops by the new development on Witham Road which has led to some confusion, but Councillor Bradwell stressed people need to be safe on the footpaths.

3 dead trees had been removed from Stixwould Road. 

The request for 30mph speed limit on Stixwould Road was requested again. Councillor Bradwell stated she would follow this up.

Councillor Craig Leyland announced it was good to be back after the elections.

He was requested to follow up on the asset transfer sum of £20,000 which has still not arrived in the parish council bank account. This is holding up the completion of the transfer.  

FC/7/5/23 Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




P McFahn


Window Cleaning


Stephen Long


ST Andrews/Chapmans Contract




Water tap repair at Kirkby Lane


British Gas


ATM Electricity




Royal Square Electricity




Payroll Amount


Opus Energy


Office Gas


R.G. Hygiene


Office Cleaning


Sprint Signs


6 x Dog Fouling Signs & Posts


Welton Garden Services


Grass Cutting Contracts/Chaffer Grubs




Payroll Software


CIA Fire & Security


Tennis Club Gate




Loan Repayment


TalkTalk Business


Office Telephone & Broadband


b)   To note the bank reconciliation

The bank reconciliation at 30/04/23 of £153,736.54 was noted

FC/8/5/23 To review Standing Orders and amend where necessary

The Standing Orders were reviewed, no amendments were necessary. 

FC/9/5/23 To review the Financial Regulations and amend where necessary

The Financial Regulations were reviewed, no amendments were necessary. 

FC/10/5/23 To consider the street names for Phase 3 of the Manor Crest Development

The Council supported the street names suggested by Manorcrest developers.

Elm Drive, Willow Drive and Mulberry Way.

FC/11/5/23 To consider the Hedgehogs R Us campaign with an option to purchase 50 hedgehog surrounds/leaflets & window stickers for £150

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved by a majority vote to purchase the kit for £150.

FC/12/5/23 To consider the response from ELDC and JPWS regarding additional dog bins around the cricket club and resolve action and expenditure

It was agreed to go ahead with the proposal from ELDC to install a dog bin / multi use bin near St Andrew’s School, the only location identified as being suitable for ELDC.

JPWS stated they would be happy to assist with location, style and emptying of an additional 2 dog/multi use bins near the cricket club. The purchase of the bins would be the responsibility of WSPC.

FC/13/5/23 To note the Chair’s invitation to RAF Coningsby Annual Reception and form a response

The Chair accepted the invitation.

FC/14/5/23 To note the letter of thanks from RBL for arranging the 100th Anniversary of the Village War Memorial

The thank you letter was noted.

FC/15/5/23 To consider 2 applicant for co-option on the Parish Council

Peg Sanderson and Shirley Elphick were considered and co-opted onto WSPC.

Councillor John Sanderson left the room while the council voted on his wife’s application.

FC/16/5/23 Planning Matters

a)   To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 4th April 2023

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.

b)   To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00852/23 

PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extensions to existing dwelling and outbuilding to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a garage, existing garage to be demolished. LOCATION: 9 STIXWOULD ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6QH 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

c)   To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00889/23 Erection of 1 no. dwelling and swimming pool on site of an existing dwelling which is to be demolished. LOCATION: 11 SPA ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6PZ 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

d)   To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00658/23 Erection of a garden wall and external painting on the existing dwelling house. LOCATION ALVERSTON HOUSE, IDDESLEIGH ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6SR

It was proposed and seconded to approve the painting of the dwelling only. The erection of a garden wall was objected to as this property is in the conservation area and is governed by Article 4. Replacing the hedge with a wall would not be in keeping with the style of the neighbouring properties. 

e)   To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00762/23 Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. LOCATION: 40 TOR O MOOR ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6TD

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

FC/17/5/23 EC/215/00072/23 To note the response from ELDC Enforcement department in response to the change of use at Banovallum veterinary group, Stixwould Road to a Crazy Adventure Golf course

The enforcement information was noted.

The following applications have been granted Full Planning:

No action required

S/215/02426/22 Broomfield, Tattershall Road. Extension to the existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation including rooms in the roof space.

S/141/01859/22 Particulars and location of the development PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. LOCATION: 62 HORNCASTLE ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6UZ

S/215/02508/22 Particulars and location of the development PROPOSAL: Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 10 (emergency access and cycle way) as imposed on planning permission reference S/215/01572/16 which was for Outline erection for 150 dwellings (with the means of access to be considered) to include the demolition of the existing bungalows at 99 and 101 Witham Road. LOCATION: LAND TO THE REAR OF WITHAM ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LINCOLNSHIRE. LN10 6RB

S/215/00499/23 Particulars and location of the development PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Conversion of existing garage to provide additional living accommodation. LOCATION: 6 HEATHER CLOSE, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6YD Part II - Particulars of decision In pursuance of its powers under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

S/215/00387/23 Particulars and location of the development PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Installation of a replacement shop front. LOCATION: RSPCA SHOP, STATION ROAD, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6QL Part II - Particulars of decision In pursuance of its powers under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

S/215/00376/23 Particulars and location of the development PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Installation of ground mounted solar panel array. LOCATION: 3 PETWOOD OAKS, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6AH

Proposed Tree works

EZY/ 0029/23/TPA Proposed works to tree(s) for works to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order on 10 Spa Road.

This information was noted

FC/18/5/23 Facilities Matters

a)   To approve the notes of the Facilities Committee meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023 as being a true record  

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.

b)   To consider a request to move the flagpole to the left of the Dambusters Memorial and resolve expenditure and purchase 2 x Union Jack flags

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to move the flagpole and purchase 2 x Union Jack flags at £82 each.

c)   To consider a request to relocate the two benches on Stixwould Road to the original sitting on Witham Road. Bird fowling from the trees above is making the benches unusable and resolve expenditure

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to move the benches to the Witham Road side of the cemetery fence with a maximum budget of £200.

d)   To consider the Community Grant Applications

a)   Rotary Club Christmas Lights Application £1500

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award £500 to the Rotary Club for this project.

b)   Croquet Club Solar PV panels application £1000

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved not to award any grant funding towards this project.

C) Heritage Trail Leaflets 1000 @£198 – 5000 £424

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award £424 towards the Heritage Trail Leaflet project.

c)   Coronation Hall Replacement Lights, requested as much as possible

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award £1000 to Coronation Hall for their LED replacement light project. 

FC/19/5/23 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting incorporating Planning and Facilities matters

The next full council hybrid meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th June.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.10pm.