December 2023 Minutes

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Public Forum

One member of the public was present but had no comments.

In Attendance

Chairman Councillor Richard Brown, Councillors Becky Shaw, John Sanderson, Roger Etches, Peg Sanderson, Shirley Elphick and Rod Williams.   

Also present: 

ELDC Councillor Craig Leyland

Joann Greer, Parish Clerk

FC/1/12/23 Comments from the Chair

The Chairman did not make any comments.

FC/2/12/23 Apologies for absence with reason given 

Apologies were noted and accepted for Councillors Gammage and Kisubika.

No apologies had been received from Councillors Cooke.

Apologies from LCC Councillor Bradwell and ELDC Councillor Kemp.

FC/3/12/23 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

No declarations were made.

FC/4/12/23 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

No requests were made.

FC/5/12/23 To receive the draft notes from the Full Council Meeting Tuesday 21 November to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the draft notes as an accurate account of the meeting.

FC/6/12/23 To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council 

Councillor Craig Leyland commented on the 3 refused planning applications and stated an appeal may be lodged from at least one of the applicants. He also passed on a message from LCC Councillor Patricia Bradwell stating the markings on certain trees in the village had been used as identification markers for LCC tree officers and was not vandalism.

FC/7/12/23 Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments as listed.

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




John Ward


Royal Square maintenance contract


Sills & Betteridge Solicitors


Legal fees for Rally Field


R G Hygiene


Office Cleaning


Yu Energy


Christmas Tree Lighting


Yu Energy


Office electricity


Welton Garden Services


Cemetery/Leaf collection/Green waste removal


Peter Strawson


Village Christmas trees




Pro Connect Black Plug


Stephen Long


Maintenance Contract




Payroll services


Roadworx Traffic Management Ltd


Road closure Christmas Market


British Gas




J Greer/K Handley/HMRC/LCC Pension






Telephone and Broadband


Remembrance Day Poppy Wreathes






Office Wireless Printer


Tony Gibbons


Village Maintenance Contract


b)   To note the bank reconciliation

The reconciliation figure of £113,517.73 was noted.

FC/8/12/23 To receive further information regarding village drainage concerns, sewage, flooding dykes and response from Witham 3rd Drainage Board

A meeting is to be scheduled with Martin Shilling from Witham Third Drainage Board and Councillors Etches and J Sanderson in the new year.

FC/9/12/23 To receive a report regarding the working groups meeting with the landscape gardener at Royal Square and resolve action

The meeting on site at Royal Square went very well, the landscape contractor understands the sensitivity of the area. A working group meeting is set for 18 January at 10.00am to discuss development ideas. The 617 Squadron and Royal British Legion are to be contacted for their input.

FC/10/12/23 To consider information regarding public WC development from Healthmatic and resolve action

The Clerk met a representative from Healthmatic to identify the location and site. The representative is to be invited to meet councillors to discuss possible styles and designs in February. 

FC/11/12/23 To consider a request from JPWS to attend a family fun day on 11th May with a stall/activities and resolve action

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to attend the event and hold a consultation/promotional event with Royal Square and WC plans. 

FC/12/12/23 To acknowledge a letter from Jubilee Park Bowling Club 

A thank you letter, and photo of equipment purchased from their successful grant application was acknowledged. 

FC/13/12/23 Planning Matters

a)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/02030/23 – Change of use of existing building which is used under class B8 (storage and distribution) of The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended to use under Class E(a) for the display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food, the siting of 66 no. storage containers and erection of a perimeter fence (some works already started).


It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this planning application with the following consideration for natural vegetation screening, lighting and hours of operation.

b)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/02196/23 – Section 73 application in relation to no. 19 (public space site plan) and condition no. 20 (public space management plan) as previously imposed on planning permission reference S/215/01248/21 for the erection of 85 no. dwellings, provision of an attenuation pond, associated open space and construction of a vehicular and pedestrian access.

LOCATION: land off Mill Lane

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to object to this application, stating the condition should remain in place.

c)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/02108/23 – Consent to display 4 no. non-illuminated fascia signs.

LOCATION: Witham Road, Woodhall Spa 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

d)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/01752/23 – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living, existing single storey extension and detached garage to be demolished,

LOCATION: Leech House, 15 Sylvan Avenue, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6SL

This application was rescinded.

e)   To consider and respond to Planning Application S/215/02286/23 – Extension and alteration to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation

LOCATION: 5 Spa Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6PZ

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

f)   To consider and respond to Planning application S/215/02021023 – Alteration to existing dwelling to provide 2n. dormer windows and erection of a detached out building to provide s gym/spa 

LOCATION: 22 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ

This application was listed in error and had already been processed.

g)   To consider the current status of the Spa Baths and pump room and resolve action

A question was asked if it was a planning permission condition that members of the public can access the pump room. Councillor Leyland said he would check.

Full Planning Permission

S/215/01508/23 9 Tor O Moor Road, extension, and alteration

Refusal of Planning Permission

The following were noted

S/094/01420/23 Former sand quarry site, Kirkby Lane, Kirkby on Bain, LN10 6YY leisure park for 22 no. caravans

S/215/01790/23 Land at Waterloo Farm, Monument Road Woodhall Spa. Erection of 1 no. house

S/215/01988/23 The Mall Hotel, Station Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QL. Siting of a marquee to the west of the public house

Tree Work Notification

EZY/0123/23TCA Proposed Tree works: Tilia House, Iddesleigh Road.

T1 – Lime reduce  

T2 – Yew reduce

T3 – Robinia reduce

EZY/0125/23/TPA Proposed Tree works: Tiki, 65 Woodland Drive

G1 – 13 Oak

1 Scots Pine

1 Beech – Fell to open up area

Clarification on numbers of trees to be felled from ELDC tree department was requested as it was unclear from the documentation.

Facilities Matters

FC/14/12/23 To review the Christmas Tree Programme and consider next year’s programme and possible costs effecting the budget 

The Clerk is to source quotes for upgrading electric supplies, cables & lighting, alternative Christmas decorations, paid contractors to instal festive lighting.

This is to be a regular Facilities agenda item until the programme for 2024 is set.

FC/15/12/23 To review the Christmas Carol Service held this year at St Peter’s Church

Councillor reported the church located carol service was very well attended. Families and bank were pleased it was indoors. No parade had no impact on the Christmas Fayre.

FC/16/12/23 To finalise the wording of the JPWS and WSPC Rally Field lease agreement and sign the document

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set the wording of 12.5 as so:

The Tenant shall make available the use of the Rally Field to Woodhall Spa groups at no fee; such allowance is only available for a maximum of 12 days per annum outside the 28 days JPWS permitted camping times.

FC/17/12/23 To consider the quotes for line re painting at Jubilee Park, award the contract 

Three quotes were considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the contract to Riggotts for £1551.00

FC/18/12/23 To consider the legal agreement with Petwood Caravan Park, Jubilee Park, regarding road repairs and resolve action.

The documents were considered. Councillors Shaw and Etches are to arrange a meeting with the Petwood Caravan owners to discuss the condition and repairs of the access road.

FC/19/12/23 To consider the quotes for tree maintenance at Royal Square and award the contract

Two quotes were considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to consider two quotes after advertising the work locally. The contract was awarded to Arborglyph Ltd.

FC/20/12/23 To set the date of the next Full Council/Hybrid meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16 January at 7.00pm. 

16 JANUARY 2024 
7.00 PM