PC May 2021 Minutes

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No members of the public were present.

Councillors: L Moscrop, Richard Brown and C Walker.

J Greer (Parish Clerk) 

Election of the Chair
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor Brown as the Chair of the Planning Committee.

Apologies for absence with reason given
Councillor Marrs had resigned from the Planning Committee. Apologies were received from Councillor Needham but not from Councillor Ayling.

Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.

To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.

To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on 2nd March 2021 as being a true record of the meeting. Due to the Clerks annual leave this document was not presented at the meeting and would therefore be deferred to the May meeting. 

To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00443/21 – 26 Horncastle Road. Extension and alterations to existing house to provide a ground floor dining room, utility, and toilet with 2no. first floor bedrooms over, to include raising the roof height and 1no. bedroom with en-suite in the roof space
This application was considered at the April meeting.

To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00679/21 – 11 Alexandra Road. Erection of a pergola 
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00726/21 – Fairmead. 106 Witham Road. Rear extension and alteration to an existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation to include the erection of a detached garage
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00764/21 – Bridlemere, Tattershall Road. Erection of a detached double garage on the site of the existing garage, which is to be demolished, erection of gates and pillars to the maximum height of 2.0m and construction of vehicular access  
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00790/21 – Land rear of 101, Witham Road. Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 15no. pairs  semidetached dwellings, 9no. blocks of 3no. dwellings and 93no. detached dwellings (150no. in total) each with associated garages and provision of play equipment (outline Planning Permission reference no. S/215/00136/17 – outline erection of 150no. dwellings and demolition of existing bungalow granted 4 May 20128)
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to object to this application for the following reasons:
Drainage, flooding & sewage – priority issue 
The pumping station must be assessed to be adequate for the purpose to link into the already overwhelmed service. How much additional pressure will this put on the system, what research has been completed to ensure this is suitable for the purpose. 
Please provide evidence from Anglian Water how the sewage system will work with this additional development of a further 150 dwellings. It is paramount this is addressed, an upgrade to the sewage system is currently needed, the Parish Council and residents are not convinced the sewage system can cope with this cumulative effect. Please provide evidence to clearly state how the system will be improved to cope with the demand. What conditions are East Lindsey District Council going to impose on this development to address this issue which cannot improve without a structured improvement plan. 

Sustainable drainage is mentioned in the application, WSPC request this be throughout the development on footpaths, driveways, and roads. Drainage from rooves and surface water flooding potential hotspots need to be identified prior to the start of the development with systems in place to mitigate this.
The attenuation ponds are required to be fenced off for the safety of all, especially young children playing.

Accessibility to the development
During construction can you please confirm the days and times delivery and building equipment and staff are permitted to work.
WSPC request that Witham Road is regularly cleaned of mud transferred from the site from works vehicles.
Is the only access to the site via the two houses which are to be demolished? Are there any plans to have additional access points during the construction phase? 

Concerns were raised regarding the width of the roads through the development for delivery, recycling, and emergency vehicles. How will this be resolved. 
Will lorries be expected to reverse into the site or can a circuit style road be introduced.
Fire hydrants need to be included in the development phase referring to fire services for guidance of how many are required and suitable locations on this site.

Layout and density of dwellings
WSPC seek assurance that the whole development will be sympathetic throughout and changes to styles will not alter if pockets of development land are sold.
Consideration to wheelie bin storage, access and collection points need to be highlighted. Are bins to be left on roadsides? At the front of properties? (especially the terraced elements) where will refuse bins be collected from and will recycling trucks have to reverse around the estate? 

Roads and lighting
The roads and footpaths throughout the development would need to be to the standard that LCC would adopt to ensure safety of the new residents and continuity of maintenance. Footway lighting is also requested to the LCC standard for the same reason.
It is not supported that roads and footpaths are maintained by the developer as it has been an issue in the village that the maintenance contracts set up by developers are frequently not upheld leaving residents frustrated.
This also applies to open green spaces, the band stand, and the bridge.
WSPC request that any maintenance contracts for all outdoor areas are clearly identified with contact telephone numbers to avoid contractors avoiding their contractual obligations once the development is completed and they have moved on.

Carbon footprint
WSPC request that environmentally friendly lighting is used on all public spaces, solar/energy efficient and other means are considered to make this development environmentally friendly as possible, considering energy use and light pollution. 
What heating systems are to be installed in homes? Will this help or hinder the governments carbon targets of 2035? 
WSPC could not locate any EV charging points, it is requested that a development of 150 dwellings should incorporate a percentage of such points.

Affordable homes
WSPC request affordable home are allocated throughout the development and not segregated into one specific area.
How many of the homes will be affordable, as the site progresses will this number reduce even if it is a condition of the planning permission.
WSPC request whatever conditions are set to the developer, these remain. The developer agrees to the conditions when set and therefore should not easily be removed or altered.   

Connectivity to the village
WSPC are confused as to why the cycle path only goes in the direction of the River Witham. The developer needs to incorporate connectivity for residents to the village and its amenities.
A bus stop is required for the same reason.
The primary school is on the opposite side of the road, WSPC request a zebra or pelican crossing, pedestrian safety is paramount as this area will become one of the busiest roads in the village.

The following applications have been granted Full Planning Permission

S/215/00299/21 – Oakdene, 21 Woodland Drive, extension 
S/21500336/21 – Oakwood, 73 Tor O Moor Road, extension

The following tree works application have been received 

EZY/0046/21/TCA – Sycamore reduce crown spread. 9 Cromwell Avenue

Please note due to the Coronavirus Act 2020 Planning Committee Meetings will not be permitted via remote means from 7th May 2020. All future meetings will now take place in the Council Chambers.