PC August 2021 Minutes

Three members of the public were present.
Councillors: Richard Brown, Debbie Bollard, Marcus Williams and Len Moscrop
K Handley (Assistant Parish Clerk)
Comments from the Chair
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.
To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on 6th July 2021 as being a true record of the meeting.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
The Chairman did ask that the assistant clerk write to Head of planning regarding the traffic count which had been conducted as part of the planning application S/215/01248/21
To receive responses to our comments and conditions on planning application S/215/01248/21 Land off Mill Lane 85 dwellings in total.
The Chairman did ask that the assistant clerk write to Head of Planning regarding the traffic count which had been conducted as part of the planning application S/215/01248/21 as this was conducted during lockdown 2 and as such, was not representative of normal traffic flow. Also, to ask that the concerns of the Prish Council are addressed in writing. The leader of ELDC, Craig Leyland to be copied into the correspondence.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01449/21 Monks Elder Cottage, Abbey Lane, Kirkstead, LN10 6UH-Erection of a hay barn
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01537/21 58 Tor O Moor Road LN106SB -Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation on site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/141/01547/21 118 Horncastle Road, Roughton Moor, LN10 6UX – Outline erection of 2no. dwellings (with means of access to be considered)
Woodhall Spa PC did not wish to make any further comments relating to this development.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01410/21 92 Witham Road LN10 6RA Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a detached single garage.
Woodhall Spa PC did not wish to make any further comments relating to this development.
However, they did note, that planning permission had been granted and as such could the assistant clerk contact planning to register our concern that this had happened.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01603/21 Woodside, 15 Tor O Moor Road, Woodhall Spa LN10 6TF- Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation, erection of an outbuilding to provide a studio/gym/garden room. Erection of a garage/store and construction of vehicular access. Existing outbuilding on site to be removed.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01572/21 LINDSEY HOUSE, Alverston Avenue, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6SN Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and a swimming pool, including the relocation of existing entrance gates and piers to a maximum height of 2.5 metres.
It was proposed and seconded to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00862/18 APPLICANT: RTW Construction & Developments Ltd
PROPOSAL: Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 2 (approved
plans) as imposed on planning permission reference no. which was for erection of 16no. dwellings.
Woodhall Spa PC did not wish to make any further comments relating to this development.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01684/21
Planning Permission - Erection of a detached double garage on the site of an existing building and lean to which are to be demolished and erection of a boundary wall and access gates to the maximum
height of 2.0 metres LINDIS, Tattershall Road, WOODHALL SPA, LINCOLNSHIRE,
LN10 6TN
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to support this application.
The following applications have been granted Full Planning Permission
S/215/00036/21 Land rear of 24, Mill Lane, Woodhall Spa
Erection of 9 no. detached houses each with
associated garages and construction of an entrance wall to the
maximum height of 1.8 meters, integral road and a vehicular and
pedestrian access.
The Council were pleased to note that the number of bungalows had been reduced and the issue where the bins were to be stored/collected from had been resolved.
S/215/00764/21 Bridlemere, Tattershall Road Woodhall Spa Ln10 6TW
Erection of a detached double garage on the site of the existing garage which is to be demolished, erection of gates and pillars to the maximum height of 2.0m and construction of a vehicular access.
S/215/01019/21 Conifers, Green Lane, Woodhall Spa, Ln10 6QY
Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provided an enlarged kitchen/dining area (works started)
S/215/00995/21 33 Kirkby Lane, Woodhall Spa Ln10 6RZ
Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living space, a utility room, enlarged kitchen/dinner/living space with 3no.bedrooms and ensuite on the first floor, existing conservatory on site to be demolished. Erection of a detached double garage with home offices/stores above, existing garage and car port removed.
S/141/01005/21 62 Horncastle Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6UZ
Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a double garage, swimming spa, gym and golf simulator.
Proposed Tree works
Proposed works to tree(s) within the Woodhall Spa Conservation Area,
Tree(s): T1 , T2 , T3
Notification Reference Number: 0092/21/TCA
PROPOSALS: T1 - Thuja placata - Current height 13m and spread 5-6m -
Reduce in height by 3m.
T2 - Thuja placata - Current height 13m and spread 5-6m -
Reduce in height by 3m.
T3 - Thuja placata - Current height 13m and spread 5-6m -
Reduce in height by 3m.
LOCATION: 10 Spa Court, Iddesleigh Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
Tree Preservation Order: Woodhall Spa, 1951 (215.01), Tree(s): W2 ,
Application Reference Number: 0084/21/TPA
APPLICANT: Mr Paul Jarczewski, The Woodland Trust
PROPOSALS: W2 - Mixed Conifer & Broadleaved Species - T2 (Oak) - Remove
all deadwood greater than 25mm in diameter which overhangs
the parking area and road. T3 and T4 on plan (Oak) - Remove all
deadwood greater than 25mm in diameter which overhangs the
W3 - Mixed Conifer & Broadleaved Species - T1 on plan (Laurel) -
LOCATION: Woodhall Spa Pinewoods, Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa
REASON(S): W3 - The tree/stem has been repeatedly hit by passing vehicles,
with a large wound at 3m height. The tree leans into the road.
Date of next meeting -Proposed date 7th September 2021
Public Forum (2.30-2.52 p.m.)
Three members of the public attended the meeting, Mr. Paul Baxter, Clinton Way, Mr. Michael Woodward, Abbey Drive and Mrs. Dorothy Wilkinson, Clinton Way.
The Chairman asked each to outline their concerns regarding the planning application for 85 homes on Mill Lane.
1) Concern regarding traffic flow through Clinton Way and Mill Lane.
2) Cottages at the top of Mill Lane have no off- street parking so cars are parked on the road. This would add to the traffic congestion already experienced by residents. The volume of traffic would increase. The traffic flow survey was conducted when traffic was light, in Lockdown 2, and therefore not representative of normal traffic flow.
3) There is no pavement along Mill Lane and this is a safety concern particularly for children walking along this stretch of road.
4) Parking is already an issue outside the school; this will become more of an issue with an increase in resident numbers.
5) Sewage/water also an issue due to the rise in demand/pressure on already stretched facilities.
6) Lack of infrastructure-doctors/dentists not able to cope with increased demand.
7) Flooding issues are also a concern-question as to whether the proposed site is on a flood plain.
8) Concern expressed over why the Parish Council did not support an application for a smaller development but then supported this application when the density of housing weas much higher.
9) Concern that the proposed link road would not be feasible as the Broadgate homes development not begun which would enable a link road to be built.
10) Issue regarding open space provision, concern that it was a security risk and a better option would be to have wildlife corridor.