PC July 2021 Minutes

Two members of the public were present.
Councillors: Richard Brown, C Walker, John Needham, Debbie Bollard, Marcus Williams and Nigel Ford
K Handley (Assistant Parish Clerk), J Greer (Clerk)
Comments from the Chair
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. The Chair reinforced the Code of Conduct adopted by WSPC and also reminded Councillors of the need to be more mindful of items three and four on the agenda.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies were received from Councillor Moscrop.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.
To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on 1st June 2021 as being a true record of the meeting.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To consider and respond to planning application S/215/01248/21 Land off Mill Lane, Woodhall Spa-Erection of 7 no. detached bungalows, 5 no. pairs of semi-detached bungalows, 8no. blocks of 4no. houses, 2no.blocks of 3no. houses and 1no. block of 6no. apartments (85no.dwellings in total), provision of an attenuation pond, associated open space and construction of a vehicular and pedestrian access.
Woodhall Spa Parish Council voted 4-2 in favour of supporting this application as long as the following conditions were implemented.
Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
The Council understand that all houses have been allocated parking spaces and request that ELDC ensure that there is no on street parking and that the parking spaces allocated are wide enough to accommodate two cars and allow car doors to be opened, whilst both cars are parked. Also, the parking of caravans and commercial vehicles is not to be permitted.
The Council have concerns regarding access for emergency vehicles and refuse lorries if cars are parked on access roads. Therefore, ELDC are requested look at restricting parking at strategic points in roads near the proposed development
Noise and disturbance
As the proposed development is in a residential area and near a nursery school, WSPC request that the noise disruption be reduced by limiting the hours that development traffic can access the area e.g. no traffic to be allowed on site before 9.30 a.m. to allow movement of children to the nursery.
Traffic generation
WSPC noted the traffic survey had been carried out. However, the Council have concerns over the amount of traffic which would use Green Lane/Mill Lane, both of which need repair due to potholes. Green Lane is a rural road and very narrow. ELDC have noted this in the Local Development Plan for Woodhall Spa.
Layout and density of building
Although affordable housing is part of this development, which was an explanation for the higher density of housing, WSPC strongly request that ELDC place legal restrictions/covenants on the developers to sell the affordable homes to first time buyers ONLY, and not to private landlords or registered housing companies to rent out at much higher process. Affordable homes must remain available for those they are intended to benefit.
Highway safety
WSPC request ELDC to liaise with Highways regarding a pedestrian crossing to ensure safe access to the bus stop on Witham Road.
The Council are concerned about the lack of connectivity with the village centre and other developments within the village and ask ELDC to ensure that provision is made for cycle routes that have connectivity to other cycle routes. The Local Plan does refer to the fact that capacity must allow a suitably wide green corridor for landscaping walking and cycling along Green Lane. This would benefit not only the environment in terms of reducing carbon emissions but also meet Government targets in improving mental health if there are provisions for safe walking routes and cycle routes to reach the centre of the village.
WSPC request 1 x parking space either side of the contractors vehicle entrance on Mill Lane be blocked off for parking for the duration of the development to ease congestion and potential blocking of the road.
Woodhall Spa Parish Council would also like the following to be addressed;
ELDC to ensure that Anglian Water have an effective waste water management scheme
ELDC to ensure that the developer has on-going provision for up-keep of the amenities/open space on the proposed development.
ELDC to ask LCC and NHS why no comment has been made with regard to this application as it does have an impact on local doctors’ surgeries and potential school places.
ELDC to address with the developer the attenuation pond and associated safety issues. WSPC request fencing or other means to secure this area.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01294/21 Woodhall Country Park Stixwould Road-Section 73 application in relation to condition no.5 (seasonal restriction) previously imposed on planning permission ref.no. S/215/02471/08
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
S/215/0193/21 Woodhall Country Park -Section 73 application in relation to condition no.5 (occupancy) as imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/125/00474/216 which was to vary conditions on planning application S/215/00474/16.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01179/21 9 Sap Road, Woodhall Spa LN10 6PZ- Extensions and alterations to existing house to provide an open plan living area with 3 no. enlarged first floor bedrooms and to include the raising of the roof height and 3no.dormer windows to the rear, on the site of part of existing house which is to be demolished.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application, with the comment to ELDC to heed the comments of the heritage committee regarding this development.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/01657/20 Land off Tattershall Road Woodhall Spa Planning Permission- Erection of 6no.detached bungalows, 5no pairs of semi-detached bungalows, 33 no. detached houses (49 no. dwellings in total) and associated garages.
Woodhall Spa Parish Council did not wish to make any further comments relating to this development.
The following applications have been granted Full Planning Permission
S/215/00679/21 – 11 Alexandra Road, Woodhall Spa, erection of a pergola
S/215/00726/21- Fairmead, 106 Witham Road, rear extension, and alterations to an existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation to include the erection of a detached garage
The following tree works application have been received
Proposed works to tree(s) within the Woodhall Spa Conservation Area,
Tree(s): T1 , T2
Notification Reference Number: 0074/21/TCA
PROPOSALS: T1 - Spruce - Fell.
T2 - Holly - Reduction by 3m of two leaning limbs with included
LOCATION: Fairwood, 3 Tarleton Avenue, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire
REASON(S): T1 - Old root damage and declining condition.
T2 - To reduce the risk of future failure and damage to the
adjacent property.
Public Forum (2.30-2.52 p.m.)
Mr Keith Ranson and Mr Dean Wann, representatives from ManorCrest developments addressed the meeting regarding the Planning Application S/215/01248/21 Land off Mill Lane.
They discussed some of the potential issues which had been raised in a formal pre-application with Ian Carrington. Drainage would be via a controlled system of drainage and all driveways would be permeable to reduce the risk of flooding.
Foul water would be dealt with by a gravity fed system.
Development traffic would have a separate access and there would be a road link up to the Broadgate Development.
The house types would be varied, and it will include some affordable housing in the form of 2/3 bedroom starter homes.
The amenity area would be maintained by the developer.
It is hoped that development would start as soon as planning permission is granted and not, as some developments, two or three years later.
Questions raised from the Councillors concerned the traffic count -when was it completed?
The density of housing appeared to be greater than other developments-this was due to the smaller size of some of the houses on this development.
Concern raised by the mud/mess left on the roads due to construction traffic-roads would be cleaned daily.
The Council asked the developer to ensure that the social housing allocation should be targeted at first time buyers and not for landlords to buy and then rent out.