PC June 2021 Minutes

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Assistant Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting
Two members of the public were present.
Councillors: L Moscrop, Richard Brown, C Walker
K Handley (Assistant Parish Clerk), Councillor Marcus Williams and Councillor Nigel Ford Councillor Debbie Bollard
Comments from the Chair
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and asked Councillors to introduce themselves as two members of the public were present.
Councillor Williams and Councillor Ford were asked by the Chair in what capacity they were attending the meeting. Councillor Williams as an observer but Councillor Ford was asked to vote if needed by the Chairman.
Apologies for absence with reason given
Apologies were received from Councillor Needham but not from Councillor Ayling.
Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)
No declarations were made.
To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)
No requests were made.
To approve the notes from the Planning Committee Meeting held on 4th May 2021 as being a true record of the meeting.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00995/21- 33 Kirkby Lane. Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living space.
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
To consider and respond to planning application: s/215/00036/21- Land rear of 24, Mill Lane Erection of 9 no. detached houses each with associated garages and construction of an entrance wall to the maximum height of 1.8 metres, internal road, and a vehicular and pedestrian access.
Cllr Moscrop wished it to be minuted that he objected to any multi planning applications. The Chairman reminded the Council that each application had to be dealt with as a separate application. Despite the reduction of one property a resolution has already been made regarding this application within the last six months and as stated in Standing Orders 7a ‘ a resolution shall not be reversed within six months except either by a special motion, which requires written notice from at least 6 Councillors to be given to the Proper Officer in accordance with standing order 9, or by a motion moved in pursuance of the recommendation of a committee or a sub-committee.
It was noted that Anglican Water had responded to the developers but not to the Council.
The Chairman asked for a vote regarding the application for the minutes, Councillor Moscrop and Councillor Walker voted against, Councillor Ford and the Chairman voted for the development.
To consider and respond to planning application: S/215/00990/21- Former railway sidings, Witham Road Detailed Particulars relating to the erection of 13 no. detached houses and 1 no. bungalow (14no total) with associated garages, 13 no. holiday lodges and a reception building to include construction of vehicular access and internal access roads, a cycle path, balancing pond, fencing, acoustic fencing to a maximum height of 1.8 m and gates to a maximum height of 1.2m, (outline planning permission S/215/2168/17 which was for erection of up to 14 dwellings together with erection of 13 constructed lodges (for holiday use and of amended layout to that approved under S/215/01841/11) and an associated reception building granted on 21 May 2018)
The Parish Council had objected previously to this development. The Council still had concerns regarding the detailed Particulars relating to this application and requested the Planning Officer pay consideration to the following:
Emergency access-concern was raised regarding the width of the road and the accessibility for emergency service vehicles. The comments below are pertinent to access for emergency services.
Refuse collection - how will recycling lorries deliver their services in the tight compact roadway? Conditions are requested that recycling bins do not get put onto footpaths as concerns are also raised for the safety of pedestrians, especially that of children with poor visibility amidst wheelie bins and cars parked on the roadway.
To address the maximum car parking spaces at each dwelling to avoid undue parking on the roadway causing access concerns with emergency vehicles.
A turning circle is to be requested to avoid refuse lorries having to back down the road causing a potential danger to cars/pedestrians. A circuit style road would be preferable so lorries will not have to reverse into and around the site.
Fire hydrants need to be included in the development phase referring to fire services for guidance of how many are required and suitable locations on this site.
Potential hazard of parked vehicles- vehicles need allocated space as the roads are too narrow to accommodate on-road parking as this would prove to be an issue for emergency vehicles and refuse collection.
The Chairman asked for a vote and it unanimously agreed to continue to oppose this development. YOU CANNOT OPPOSE THE DEVELOPMENT IT ALREADY HAS GRANTED PERMISSION STATUS
To consider and respond to planning application: S/141/01005/21 62 Horncastle Road Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a double garage, swimming spa, gym, and golf simulator
The committee chose not to consider or comment on this application as it is in the neighbouring parish of Roughton.
To consider and respond to planning application: s/215/01019/21 Conifers Green Lane. Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide an enlarged kitchen/dining area (works already started)
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.
The following applications have been granted Full Planning Permission
S/215/005191/21- 4 Tower Place extension and alterations to existing dwelling
S/215/00525/21 Redmarley, Iddesleigh Road extension and alterations
The following tree works application have been received
EZY/0061/21/TCA – Spruce - Fell to allow for new structure/ground works 2, Cromwell Avenue
Public Forum
Chris Hudson and Neil Reynolds attended the public forum to address issues regarding the proposed development behind no.24, Mill Lane s/215/00036/21.
Mr. Hudson explained that they had not undertaken any development in Woodhall Spa contrary to some public comments. The development has been totally redesigned to one which they feel would be more appropriate for the village, referencing the Art and Craft style which is more in keeping with the architecture of Woodhall Spa. Mr. Hudson also commented that issues regarding surface water had been addressed and a wildlife corridor would be introduced.
There would be a contract with a gardening contractor to maintain the grounds.